India opens the world's largest mobile factory


New Delhi, July 9 (Prensa Latina) The world's largest mobile factory, capable of producing 120 million smartphones a year, was inaugurated today by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and South President -Korean Moon Jae-in
The Samsung Electronics consortium's new facility will manufacture low-end smartphones, under $ 100, up to the flagship S9 model, broadcasting the NDTV station.

Moon Jae-in said that the industry will benefit the economies of India and South Korea, in addition to which more than two thousand jobs will be created.

Located in Sector 81 of Noida City, in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, it is one of the first electronics manufacturing factories established in India at early 1990s.

The company started with televisions in 1997, while the current mobile phone manufacturing unit was added in 2005.

In June of last year, the South Korean mobile phone manufacturer has announced an investment to expand the Noida plant and, after a year, the new plant is ready to double production, whose destination will be growth and the Indian market, and 30 % for Europe, West Asia and Africa.

Besides mobile phones, the expansion will also double the production capacity of other consumer electronics products, such as refrigerators and flat-panel TVs, consolidate Samsung's leadership in these segments.

The South Korean giant owns two manufacturing plants in India, in Noida and Sriperumbudur, in the state of Tamil Nadu, five research and development centers and a design in Noida, employing more than 70,000 workers and expanding its network to more than 150,000 retail outlets.

Currently, this consortium has more than 10% of its total production in India, one of the top five smart phone markets globally, and aims to reach 50 percent in the next three years, as reported by the portal.

Last year, India overtook the United States as the next global smartphone market after China. According to experts, in the South Asian giant, there will be 780 million smartphones connected in 2021, against 359 million in 2016.

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