India tests the exhaust system for manned spaceflight


July 5, 2018, 04:41 New Delhi, Jul 5 (PL) In its goal towards manned spaceflight, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) held today the first of a series of tests to qualify a system of emergency evacuation for the crew.

The South Asian country's space agency said in a statement that it is a fundamental technology for manned spaceflight.

designed to quickly transport the crew module with astronauts at a safe distance from the launch vehicle in case of abortion, said the ISRO.

The first test demonstrated the safe retrieval of the crew module in case of any requirement on the firing point, reviewed the India Today newspaper portal.

The test was completed in 259 seconds, during which the exhaust system as well as the The crew module is high in the sky, formed an arc over the Bay of Bengal and returned to Earth under a parachute, about 2.9 km from the island of Sriharikota, off the coast of Andhra Pradesh. in the south of the country, where the Indian satellite launch center is located.

The crew module reached an altitude of nearly 2.7 km under the power of seven engines. Nearly 300 sensors recorded several mission performance parameters during the flight test.

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