Instagram: Marc Anthony and the homage to his mother a year after his death | Celebrities | United States | Singers | Shows


One of the most difficult episodes that he had to face Marc Anthony was the death of his mother, Guillermina Quiñones a hard loss to overcome, so a year after his death has decided to surrender A moving tribute.

A nostalgic year without the presence of the woman who gave birth to him and who took care of him since he was little was the main source of inspiration for him. interpreter of & # 39; It was worth & # 39 ;. and as he clearly says on his official Instagram account.

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With great sadness in his heart, the singer posted two pictures in the his own way, he decided to make his personal tribute in a recording studio.

Marc Anthony badured that his mother is the angel who takes care of him, full of strength and inspiration

at dawn, votes for ten songs in a day with my angel as a guide, "can be read in the first photograph that exceeds 53,000 Like or Hearts.

 Source: Instagram

Similarly, in a second post is let see with the head down and covering his face with his hands to complete his homage with some touching phrases.

"Find inspiration in the studio in my mother's honor with music and light, yesterday the first anniversary (of his death). I miss you mom ", can be read in the second image that reached 45 000 Like or Hearts in 19459004 Instagram: 1945919

Source: Instagram ” data-entity-type=”” data-entity-uuid=”” src=””/>

As you know Marc Anthony will perform a concert with Maluma on August 2nd in Lima as part of his world tour "Junto2"

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