Insults against the American president are part of the Roger Waters show


The former leader of Pink Floyd, full of anti-Trump symbols and slogans, took place a week before the US leader's visit to London.

On the eve of US President Donald Trump's visit to the United Kingdom, activists who criticize the American leader's policy brand him with mockery, mockery and insults

Thus, on July 6, at Hyde Park in London musician Roger Waters, one of the founders and leaders of the British rock band Pink Floyd, held a concert adorned with a message of more than 20 meters long, laser-projected, which said : "Trump is a pig."

Also, next to the scene was a swollen red pig with another motto: "Stay human or die". Adding a new meaning to an old clbadic, Waters completed the concert by playing Pink Floyd's song "Pigs". (Pigs) in 1977.

Also, the crowd attending the performance applauded when they screened Trump's drawings portrayed as a member of Ku-Klux-Klan, with a white hood and mask; holding a gun or throwing up with the word "charade" (stuffing) written on his face.

Also during the rocker's concert, 74 years old, several children dressed in orange overalls walked on the scene as a possible reference to Guantanamo prison, where some 40 prisoners are still held without trial for alleged terrorist offenses.

The show provoked a strong reaction from online commentators, some of whom questioned Waters' sincerity; while others asked if the concert props could be used with the giant "Trump baby" balloon, which activists of the Stop Trump movement plan to launch in London on July 13, when the US president arrives in the capital. British.

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