International Call for Dialogue • El Nuevo Diario


The United States has once again called on the government of President Daniel Ortega to resume the national dialogue in order to seek a peaceful solution to the crisis in Nicaragua. "The United States will do its utmost to return Nicaragua to democracy," Carlos Trujillo, the US ambbadador to the Organization of American States, told AFP on Friday ( OAS). to overcome the crisis) are on the table ", although asked if this includes a military option, he replied:" right now, no. "

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Washington promotes a resumption of dialogue between the government of Daniel Ortega and the opposition Civic Alliance, which began May 16 in Managua with the mediation of the Catholic Church, but whose last plenary session was held on June 15.

"The government must return to dialogue and take these negotiations seriously," said Trujillo, who nevertheless considered "very serious" the Ortega's accusations against the bishops, which he described as "golpist". "When the government accuses the mediators of being terrorists, it is very difficult to resume the dialogue," he said. Ambbadador of the United States.

Trujillo warned that Donald Trump's government is badessing new sanctions "against members of the government, against industries", to demand the restoration of democracy in the country, where more 300 people died in the anti-government protests that erupted on 18 April.

European Governments

The governments of the United Kingdom and Spain also supported the resumption of the national dialogue on Friday and condemned the violence that has taken place in recent months.

The UK blamed deliberate and excessive force on behalf of the police and pro-government armed groups against the people of Nicaragua, "and reiterated the responsibility that the Nicaraguan government must" end the violence , protect its citizens and ensure that the perpetrators of the abuses are brought to justice. "

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The statement greets" with satisfaction " the mediating role played by the Nicaraguan Episcopal Conference and encourages all parties to engage "in a peaceful settlement of the crisis." The authorities are also invited to "establish the conditions conducive to the resumption of a crisis." inclusive dialogue. "

On the other hand, the spokesperson of the Spanish government, Isabel Celaá, condemned the" serious events "." Spain "supports always the dialog eu, "said Celaá, who noted that the government chaired by Pedro Sanchez" values ​​very positively ". the special declaration adopted by the Heads of State and Government of the Central American Integration System, as well as the desire expressed by the OAS General Secretariat to "support the national dialogue".

Civic Alliance: Dialogue Has Support

Jose Isaac Espinoza

The Civic Alliance for Justice and Democracy denounced on Friday what it sees as an "attempt to boycott "of the national dialogue on behalf of the President Daniel Ortega, who disqualified the role that the bishops played as mediators and witnesses

The coalition warned that if this negotiating space is broken, it is because that the government wants it.

"We will not allow the acts of the Bishops' Conference of Nicaragua (CEN) and its Bishops as mediators and witnesses to be criminalized and called" coup leaders ". State "". , said the Alliance in its statement.

Juan Sebastián Chamorro, executive director of the Nicaraguan Foundation for Economic and Social Development (Funides) and member of the Alliance, said that although the expressions He is Clear that President Ortega "does not help to create a climate of dialogue", that is the way forward to overcome the crisis.

Despite the position of President Ortega, to disqualify bishops as mediators, the National Dialogue Table enjoys international support, as suggested by the recent resolution of the Permanent Council of the 39; Organization of American States (OAS), said the Alliance.

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"The resolution is energetic and in points 3 and 4 it makes references to both parties showing faith to find through dialogue an exit channel, solutions to the crisis, urging national dialogue, following the recommendations of the OAS … to find a solution to the electoral calendar, "said Chamorro.

"We believe that dialogue is the solution, that's the way, as the" If the national dialogue is broken, it will be because the government wants to break it or wants to replace it with some kind of dialogue with other types of participants, "said Carlos Tünnerman, civil society representative at the national dialogue table, which points out that one of the points in favor of the current dialogue table is that" we have had the support of the sectors of citizenship, including international support. "Almost all the statements that have been made by foreign governments, resolutions of the European Parliament and the OAS, they talk about the national dialogue and give their vote of confidence in the Episcopal Conference, "he said.

According to Tünnerma n, for the government, it would be difficult to dismantle the current table of dialogue to organize another without the current participants.

"We believe that the government will find that there is no one ready to lend a substitute dialogue that currently exists. The government will not be able to find another body enjoying the same credibility and the same respect as the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference as mediators and witnesses, "said Tünnerman.

Prepared for Dialogue

The Alliance informed on Friday that its members are ready to resume the agenda of democratization and justice, without delays or delays.

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In the same communication, he states that once the dialogue is resumed, he will demand the release of Medardo Mairena, Pedro Mena, of the Peasant Movement; from Ireland Jerez, self-proclaimed leader of the Eastern Market events; and student leaders Marlon Fonseca, Hansel Vásquez and Rodrigo Espinoza, considered "political prisoners".

In this regard, Carlos Tünnerman explained that "there are many more detainees unjustly, but the names at this moment have a character of symbol of all prisoners "

Agenda left the dialogue

Carlos Tünnerman explained that the document with the proposal of democratization and institutionality for the country, that the bishops presented 7 June to President Daniel Ortega, in the House of Peoples , is a summary of statements that members of the Alliance gave in writing to Catholic hierarchs.

"In no case can bishops be attributed the term" golpistas "or conspirators.When Ortega said that the bishops had presented him a letter with proposals to restore democracy in Nicaragua, which is indispensable when the people ask in the streets, what the bishops have presented to him was a summary of the proposals that came out of the different participants in the national dialogue, "said Tünnerman. [ad_2]
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