iPhone's 2018 will have a fast charging stand, but …


  The 2018 iPhone will have fast charging support, but will not work with any charger. / Photo: hipertextual.com

The 2018 iPhone will have fast charging support, but will not work with any charger. / Photo: hypertext .com

Here we share a last-minute report with news and recommendations on the 2018 iPhone.

If we ignore the leaks, says Hipertextual, iPhone 2018. and its three variations , will have a fast loading, but According to a report published by Macotakara citing various sources on Asian production lines, they will only work with USB-C chargers certified and preauthorized.

Previous leaks have indicated that Apple will release three different sizes of the iPhone and in the package will come a Lightning cable to USB-C with its respective compatible charger, able to charge quickly by means of 18W ( 9V / 2A) power. [19659004] But people who want to acquire more chargers of this power to get a quick charge on their new iPhones will have to do it from a manufacturer with a 3.0 specification shipping review specification power via USB. This means that you will not be able to go to a store and buy a cable and charger, but you must make sure that you have this authorization.

Avoid the stories of the explosion of smartphones

If the reaction to the The possibility that fast charging happens only with previously authorized accessories is not positive, it is appropriate to recall the case of Note which explodes, probably by a fast charging component; It is best to minimize overheating problems by using certified chargers.

The standard and certification are relatively common, with the support of more than 50 companies. Finding an alternative will therefore be easy and you will not need to buy a Apple Charger .

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