Iron Man: Robert Downey Jr improvised an iconic phrase that changed everything


Iron Man, the film that started the MCU is 10 years old and Kevin Feige revealed the secret of Robert Downey Jr's sentence that changed everything. Find out what it was and why it is important, in this note.

Iron Man was premiered on May 2, 2008 and in many ways it's the film that changed everything. He laid the foundation for Marvel Studios and what we know today as Marvel Cinematic Universe thanks to a moment that no one will forget and which will mark the future of superheroes. Ten years later, Kevin Feige explained how the scene emerged in which Tony Stark reveals who is in the iron suit.

"I am Iron Man". Three words revolutionized Tony's press conference and cinemas around the world. Reminiscing memories of that era, the president of Marvel Studios said the scene had been improvised by the same Robert Downey Jr. who had really put himself in the millionaire's shoes.

After Deadline Feige says "It's a thin line .If you change something for no reason, it's one thing, but if you change Something because you want to delve into the character's mind – it's a change we're going to make Tony Stark does not read the cards or stick to the official story? "I'm an Iron Man" – that sounds a lot like staying true to the character. "

The reality is that the improvisation of Downey Jr. meant a lot more than what the actor could predict. Until then, the identity of the superheroes was taboo in the stories. Protecting his real name, it was protecting those whom he loved most. But that was no longer part of the equation

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with Iron Man Marvel started a new stage where risks and bets have borne fruit. The honesty of the superhero has opened a new path to study: the heroes do not need to keep their identity. Once the decision is made, the rest belongs to the story. Few still have their true face under a mask.

"I think it inspired us a lot in the movies, and what I like now – 20 movies later – is how fans expect the MCU to go on. adapts and changes, they expect us to be inspired by comics instead of being enslaved by them. " Feige says. This is not random, it is trust.

It's hard to imagine what would have happened if Jon Favreau director of the film, had stayed true to the screenplay and had eliminated the scene, if Robert Downey Jr. with the character who told him saved the life or if the fear of failure had prevailed. Fortunately, we do not have to imagine and thanks to the decisions made at that time, we can appreciate the results today. We already know who should have inspired Tom Holland in his final scene in Avengers: Infinity War

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