Isla Mujeres does not reach 100% occupation


Eva Murillo / SIPSE
CANCUN, Q. Roo.- Isla Mujeres, one of the three magical towns of Quintana Roo, "is full" in the tourist services offered; nevertheless, fails to exceed the 85% occupancy of the hotels as it is considered a place to walk and not overnight, image that businessmen of the Hotels have been trying to finish for years, but no results Car Cancun offers it as a place to walk, said Leonel Povedano, president of the Association of Small, Fascinating Hotels, in this municipality.

According to censuses conducted by the badociation of the island's hotels, the rooms rented through platforms there are about a thousand that are added to those promoted by word of mouth, which puts one to one the number of hotel rooms with which they operate under these terms.

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Jesús Castillo Magaña, director of municipal tourism, agreed that the rental of rooms through digital platforms or directly between the turis and the owner, which has already spread all over the island, is another impediment to reaching the tight total in the hotel rooms .

In 2015, when Isla Mujeres was to receive the appointment of Pueblo Magically, the hospitality sector felt that the number of guests would increase to the point of exceeding the supply of rooms in the accommodation centers, but after almost three years, the occupation could not exceed 85%.

contrasted with tourist services like renting golf carts, motorcycles, bicycles, which early rent the total number of units, as well as pbadengers crossing from Puerto Juarez and Cancun.

The streets of the island they seem full, on the beaches and restaurants, the increase of bathers and customers is notorious, even small businesses are prepared with more goods to meet the needs of the visitors.

"We can not deny that since we are Magic Town there is more promotion, more people come to the island, but they do not stay, they do not come, they come to walk, they arrive in the morning and in the afternoon they leave, "laments Leonel Povedano 19659009] Isla Mujeres, sold by Cancun as a place of entry by exit

I will not hang the medal, said the Head of the hotel, to separate us from Cancun in terms of promotion and image is a project that for years has been proposing to state authorities, but to this day, they do not have to do anything. did not run.

Docks that operate on the coast of Cancun there are boats that take hundreds of tourists to do water activities Across the streets of the island. [19659002] "There are posters in the promotions that say Cancun and they have the picture of the beaches of Isla Mujeres", said Leonel Povedano [19659002] The hotelier acknowledged that he is not hurting them in Cancun Island as a place to walk, but also pointed out that it is necessary for more people to see this as an option during the night and not just spend a few hours.

Holiday incomes compete one by one with hotel rooms

The hotel rooms of the island are about one thousand 300 which can not be fully filled, because even during the high seasons, like the one just started, the maximum occupancy is 85%

. Three years ago, the Association of Small Hotels fascinating Isla Mujeres explained that the number of rooms rented through the Internet revealed that about 120 six- to four-room homes were rented for holidays.

the rapid growth of this activity that has also spread all over the island, and the advent of digital platforms and word of mouth, the hotel industry believes that there are more than a thousand rooms those operating under the modality of vacation rentals.

"We are competing one by one on the insula," acknowledged Leonel Povedano

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