Israeli justice postpones the demolition of the Palestinian village


July 6, 2018, 08:05 Tel Aviv, July 7 (Prensa Latina) Amid the wave of international criticism that Israel faces today, the Supreme Court temporarily suspends the demolition of Palestinian village of Bedouins. from Jan to Ahmar, West Bank

The sentence was pbaded last night after an urgent request filed by Alaa Mahajna, on behalf of the city, where 181 people live, more than half of whom are children.

The Israeli justice system has granted a deadline until July 11 to investigate claims on the property of the land on which the community was built.

Tel Aviv states that the village was built without the necessary permits, that the Palestinians, who ensure that the possession of the place is duly registered.

With the support of the Israeli police, in the last days began to arrive excavators and heavy equipment to initiate the demolition, which

International activists also came to town to denounce the plans Israelis

Palestinians claim that the demolition of Jan al Ahmar is part of the construction plan of the E1 corridor, which will connect Jerusalem to the Jewish settlement of Maale Adumim

Corridor E1 will promote the destruction of 46 Bedouin villages in the West Bank, said Saleh Raafat, a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, this week

. "Voice of Palestine" radio, Raafat said the goal is to divide areas controlled by the Palestinian government in the West Bank and Judaize Jerusalem.

A statement by the Palestinian Foreign Ministry reported a few days ago "the ethnic cleansing by the occupation authorities" on this territory.

We directly hold the government of Benjam n Netanyahu for this crime, says the note published three days after the decision of the Israeli Supreme Court gave the green light for the demolition.

mem / Rob

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