It reaches 5 million visitors Che Sculptural Complex • Workers


  Reaches 5 million visitors Conjunto Escultórico del Che

  Photo: Lourdes Rey Veitía
Photo: Lourdes Rey Veitía

More than 5 million visitors join the sculptural complex Comandante Ernesto Guevara, Santa Clara, where rest the remains of the Heroic Guerrilla and his fellow combatants in Bolivia.

The visitor who had the honor to complete the high character called Erisyan Romero Santana, worker of the province of Cienfuegos, a center of work that was paying homage to Che on Wednesday to be a collective important of the Union of Public Administration of the country.

Visibly surprised to receive the recognition of the institution said that it is an honor to be one who represents the immensity of the people who come to the place. "Che is a guide, an example to follow the work."

The Sculptural Ensemble, designed by architects Blanca Hernández and Jorge Cao, was inaugurated in December 1988, until the arrival of citizens of all countries of the world to pay tribute to the Man who moved the planet by his unshakeable stance of principles and humanistic behavior.

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