It was held at Villa Clara Provincial Plenary of the Communist Party


Party Plenum in Villa Clara badyzed the progress of housing recovery. Photo: Vanguardia

Santa Clara, Cuba. – The economic results of Villa Clara in the first half of the year, and the restoration of homes affected by recent climatic events, were discussed during the provincial plenary meeting of the Communist Party of Cuba (CCP) in Villa Clara .

the highest party authority of this central province Julio Lima, advocated that the quality in the construction of homes and entities be greater to reduce the cost of maintenance actions.

During the Plenary Session of the Provincial Party Committee in Villa Clara that the turnaround of the houses it pbades to 58% of the execution, and is supposed to conclude the December with 80% of the finished houses.

Julio Lima valued the local industries of building materials for the rehabilitation of homes in that territory, and urged Villa Clara to achieve superior results.

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