Jacob Forever and Lenier Mesa create a new collaboration


Cuban singers Jacob Forever and Lenier Mesa once again gathered their voices in a new theme that could be added to the boom of successes that both urban artists have already had.

On this occasion they also said with the participation and talent of the Ecuadorian artist, Nicolás Guerrero, the best known in the world of international entertainment by the nickname NikoG.

The reggaetonists present us with the theme entitled "Looking for you" and reach the audience full of the sonoridades, where Caribbean and urban rhythms merge into one.

The video directed by director Neiver Álvarez, which already has more than a thousand views on YouTube, promises to become another hit this summer that you will not want to miss.

This is not the first time that Jacob Forever and Lenier Mesa have been working side by side in creating themes that have rocked the trail inside and outside of the world. ;island. they had already gathered their voices in popular songs like "Qué nochecitacita" and "Donde tú estas", which became real musical hits of the moment.

In addition, both artists were invited to this year's Premios Juventud, where with other representatives of the urban genre on the island had the opportunity to raise the flag of their land and represent the Cubaton.

For his part, NikoG is an artist who is just beginning to chart a course in the competitive international music scene, although already reap some achievements. After recording his first album "Mi esencia", the artist contacted Lenier Mesa and together they decided to record the song "Buscándote". Later, Jacob decided to join the project convinced of the musical appeal of this proposal



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