Jacob Forever, very well accompanied before his presentation at Premios Juventud 2018


The Premios Juventud 2018 were highlighted this year by the great presence of Cubans on stage and Jacob Forever was one of the Cubatón's representatives who were on the scene of the Watsco Center of Florida with other artists such as El Micha El Chacal or IAMChino .

These festivals that bring together so many artists are well used by singers to meet again, have fun and especially take pictures.

Jacob Forever who posed with various artists a few hours before the show organized by the network Univision .

Daddy Yankee who played Zum Zum on the stage, was one of the artists with whom the Cuban was photographed.

Maluma, on the other hand, took the stage to perform three of his songs, but before He also spent time behind the scenes sharing moments with Jacob Forever .

Ozuna was another artist with whom the singer shared the previous moments.

But if a moment that surely Jacob will remember forever, it is that his daughter Laira was very close to him.

The eldest daughter of reggaeton is a small star destined to be a great dancer . The young talented woman acted in the framework of the dance body of Academia Baila con Micho who put the movements to cubatón.

After a gala full of emotions, the interpreter of dry the boardwalk shared an emotional message on social networks to thank this opportunity.

"Thanks also to all Latinos and Cubans around the world for supporting our social networks and our music, Blessings to all Cuban musicians, who are here in this video and to those who are not. also blessings, "wrote the artist with a video of a fragment of his performance at the Watsco Center.

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