Jaime Bayly told the story of "Pecho Frío" during his presentation at FIL Lima 2018


If an author could convert the Lima International Fair FILE 2018 in a scenario similar to that of a rock concert, it was Jaime Bayly. The author presented his new work " Chest Cold " and hundreds of participants formed a never-ending queue to look closely " Terrible Child " and hear him in person.

It was a Rolling Stone or a Beatle, his followers began to lose control by imagining that they could be excluded from this event and the lack of control was felt. Once the doors closed, it was time to listen to the star of the night.

Jaime Bayly came in and the applause did not wait. As a television man, he knows that time is money and, therefore, he clarified that this presentation would go straight to the point. "Thank you for coming, I hope we'll have a good time," he said.

" Cold Chest " is the name of the protagonist of this story. An ordinary man who makes a living as a bank teller, although his life changes 180 degrees when he participates in a contest program in which his future changes for the kiss that the driver asks in exchange for a prize.

This will mark the end of their courtesy and the end of their time as a bank, but they will begin their fortuitous immersion in a circle of characters who will use their power to capitalize on their fame.

"This work is a reflection on how chance marks our lives and, also, how fame corrupts and diminishes our lives, how it sinks into the swamp of public life," comments Bayly .

"It is a satire or caricature, more or less, exaggerated and grotesque of our country," he continues. "There are misleading politicians, eminent judges, scandalous journalists , famous ladies and deeply homophobic, "he says

" I wanted to make this caricature of our country, but as soon as I set foot in Peru, I realized that reality has already exceeded fiction, "exclaims the journalist, who lives in New York where he directs his program" The Sniper ".

With sincerity what characterizes the driver, he ensures that this piece will remind us of many well-known characters of our politics and the national show. "It will make us see the reality, without it being the initial idea of ​​the work," he says.


Although previously he pointed out that it is the piece that is least related to his life, the questions of the public l & # 39; invite him to immerse himself in the story he composes to review some pbadages of his life that coincide with those of " Chest Cold ".

arrived with & # 39; Pecho Frío & # 39; I realized that giving a kiss to a man on TV can be interpreted in the most perverse and perverse way, they can suffer for free and make a soap opera, "he reflects.

In this flashback that he shared with the audience, he remembers that one of the most complicated episodes that he had to face after kissing the Spanish pilot Boris Izaguirre on television open, was with Sandra, his ex-wife and mother of his first two daughters.

"Me he saw and he slapped me," he recalls with a mischievous smile, "I kept saying," How are you going to kiss with a man on TV? girls, "with a lot of indignation," he added, not without specifying that "it would not be the last time that Sandra would hit me."

Bayly did not want to leave her audience without inviting them to think this can be fame in our country, a word that defines as "a ride that lifts you up and then thrusts you into the deepest."

It was the encounter between the father of "Chest Cold" with an audience that each more is more engaged with the daring and intellectual way of expressing Jaime Bayly . The applause received was repeated to bid him farewell, a gift he received with great gratitude

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