Jane Fonda raises her voice for vulnerable women victims of sexual harassment


The actress and activist Jane Fonda today raised the flag of the movements of domestic and agricultural workers who seek congressional legislative reforms in the United States Congress #MeToo and #TimesUp marking more than a "moment", a current that "came to stay".

"It's something that will continue, it's not something that will go away. It's a moment, it's a movement, "said Fonda at a conference organized by various social badociations in the bowels of Congress, in Washington.

The activist has defended the importance of these two movements, emerged a year ago accusations by several actresses against the formerly all-powerful producer Harvey Weinstein who is currently in on bail pending trial under various counts [19459] 003] rape and harbadment.

"We realize that this has evolved as it has been did because the women who raised their voices were white and famous, "he acknowledged.the artist, who nevertheless pointed out that the obligation now of Hollywood is to act as "repeaters" spreading the message of the most humble women.

According to Fond from the beginning there was a strong "synergy" between film celebrities and workers in smaller industries, which allowed us to start listening to the voices of all women, a moment that, a- she recognized, "never thought" that she would see in her life

"If we really want to face and solve these problems on the rights of the workers, the dignity and the security vis-à-vis badual harbadment at the workplace (…), we will have to stay united for love and alliance with our sisters from other sectors is, "observed the popular activist.

In this sense, the president of the National Alliance of Peasants, Mónica Ramírez, who also participated in the event, admitted that rural workers feel "the support of the people of the island". 39; entertainment industry, "but pointed out that the demand for greater labor protection affects" all sectors. "

" We perform our work as a collective and we help other sectors, such as catering, the hotel … This is not just a movement for only a few groups, "said Ramirez, whose cause gained notoriety after being invited by the actress Laura Dern at the last Golden Globes. [19659002] The National Alliance of Peasants and the National Alliance of Domestic Workers are these days in the nation's capital to speak with Senators and Congressmen, and ask them to change the legislation to guarantee greater legal protection for two sectors that rarely make headlines in the media.

Among the petitions presented to Congress, there are additional protections against discrimination and harbadment; to increase the rights of rural workers, regulated by legislation dating back to the 1930s; "We want protections, with no exceptions and no legal loopholes, so that everyone can live and work with dignity," said the executive director of the National Alliance of Domestic Workers. , Ai-jen Poo.

Fonda, who has for years become a strong advocate for social causes, has not hesitated to join this fight because, she says, Hollywood women have a duty to " put aside "" These women – often women of color, often immigrants – are very, very vulnerable because they work in isolation, so their voices are not heard, "lamented Fonda.

Questioned by critics that the film industry has received in recent years for its political stance, both by the most conservative society and many political representatives, Fonda has not been intimidated and advocated continue to take advantage of his privileged position to continue to fight.

"If we are attacked, it is because we are effective.We are here to amplify the voices that must be heard, that is how we should use our popularity, raise our voices for all the workers, "concluded the actress.


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