Jesús Santrich told La Picota Prison that he will not be extradited – Peace Process – Politics


Three months ago, Jesus Santrich, a Farc excuser, was captured on drug charges and asked for extradition by the United States.

From prison, Santrich announced Monday an open letter expressing his indignation about it.

In the letter, the former guerrilla states that "the Havana Peace Agreement was basically violated, it was not respected, it is not seen that It will be ". Faced with this, he says that "there is no other way to continue to fight, to join wills, to mobilize consciences."

He also vindicates the entire FARC leadership. "The case of Jesus Santrich is only a link in the persecution designed for a total political crush," he said.

"Three months after my arrest ordered by the stateless and treacherous prosecutor Nestor Humberto Martinez, … there is no other way to continue to gather wills, to mobilize consciences … that allow to stop facistización ", Jesus Santrich. #SantrichLibre

– #SantrichLibre (@SantrichLibre) 9 July 2018

Santrich thanked life for "any act of rebellion and solidarity that With so much fervor of enlightened red rose from the motherland, I offered friends, friends, relatives, comrades (…) believing in my word. "

With a slightly poetic tone, his letter concludes with his oath: "triumph or die in this battle, with the banner of decorum and the red rose brandished, long live the FARC! We swear to win and we will win!"

In early April of this year the former guerrilla leader was captured for extradition on drug charges and a week later was sent to the prison. La Picota.

At the end of this month, because of medical complications, he was sent to El Tunal Hospital because he had been on a hunger strike for a month. On May 10, the leader of the Farc political movement, who was going to take up his duties as a representative in the House, was sent to the Paths of Freedom Foundation, the seat of the Episcopal Conference of the Catholic Church, for humanitarian reasons. He remained there until 2 June, when he was again transferred to La Picota prison in Bogotá.

There will be Santrich, without entitlement to any kind of profit, while his judicial situation is resolved.


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