Mi Primo El Nano, that's the name of the song that Joaquín Sabina dedicated to Joan Manuel Serrat: (…) Get out, when you least expect it, / pigeons the peace of his hat / And when he sings, his heart trembles in his throat. / (…) And when the Barza wins, he believes that there is a god and he is Barça. / (…) This emotions alchemist / who heals wounds with songs. And maybe no one could better define Sabina as this giant of the song, this Catalan composer who was the soundtrack of the lives of many Cubans.
How many did not know about Antonio Machado's verses: Walker there is no way to through the Serrat chords, which has sung the words of so many other bards like Miguel Hernández and even he has approached the Latin American continent with the album El Sur also exists. In this production, Joan Manuel has musicalized a selection of poems by Mario Benedetti, among which: Defense of Joy and A Naked Woman in the Dark.
As a thief hides behind the door / Do you have mercy like dead leaves / How the wind hangs here and there / You smile, sad and / They make us cry when no one sees us; In this way, the Nano described the little things in one of his songs, explaining why he received several honorary doctorates from different universities around the world, because of his contributions to Spanish music and literature. 19659005] "I let myself go away, I do not technically study the correspondence between the lyrics and the music.I am animated by an instinct that is not good, but it is not bad. The road can be just about anything, I think there are artists who have used all kinds of mechanisms, what matters is that the end result can move the 39, author, "he said in an interview with the conductor Gonzalo Rozín
. worst moments that happened on a stage: "It was a day when unfortunately there was a change in temperature.This gave me a cold shock and a small fracture in a vocal chord.J & # 39; I started singing and at the third song I was absolutely silent, so I explained to people that I could not continue and that they left. the money, but nobody left and they kept shouting. I said 'I'll try to keep up with it'. The fourth song was sung by people and I said … "They were singing four, they would sing five".
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