Jorge Vega receives the distinction – Noticias Última Hora de Guatemala


The gymnast Jorge Vega was recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports with the Medal of Peace and the honor of making the change of the Rose of Peace, in recognition of the achievements that have been made. he has accomplished. The activity was developed at the National Palace of Culture

Similarly, the retired gymnast Ana Sofía Gómez was recognized as Messenger of Peace, an act which was chaired by the Vice Minister of Sports, Mario Renato Monterroso Diaz. ] Monterroso recalled that this tribute is deserved by the athletes, who with their performances have always put the name of Guatemala at the top.

"It is a great satisfaction to know and shake hands with the illustrious and distinguished Guatemalans, both in the field of culture as in sport, and in activities that contribute to the culture of peace and expand Guatemala with it, "said the official.

"Today (yesterday) I have the honor to congratulate, decorate and publicly recognize a great athlete, by imposing the Medal of Peace and granting him the Change of the Rose, for the merits that brought him to put the name of Guatemala through gymnastics and meet the merits of promoting the culture of peace, as part of exemplary citizen behavior, "added the deputy minister Monterroso.

The Portfolio Representative Culture and Sports recognized the example of Vega, regardless of obstacles, The faith in oneself to overcome them


Jorge Vega thanked the recognition of his efforts and expressed his pride, considering himself a Guatemalan who tries to make a difference. [19659002"Jesuistrèsreconnaissantpourl'honneurquim'aétéaccordécelasignifiequelesautoritésreconnaissentl'effortquel'onafaitetc'estunplaisirdesavoirqu'ilenestainsi"adéclaréVegaàlafindelacérémonie[19659004]. see the fruit of a job that has been planted for years, allowing us to have consistent results, which are not for personal or family joy, but for a whole country, "said l & # 39; athlete.

Among the elite gymnasts we are 1 Cuban, 1 Chilean, 1 Colombian and I, we are the Latin force and we are still fighting on the podium for the great Asian and European gymnasts, "he added.

Vega is ready for the Central American and Caribbean Games, which will be held on the 19th of this month in Barranquilla, Colombia, where he will once again seek a medal, however, his goal The main event is in Qatar, where the World Championship will be held this year, in which it aims to exceed the fifth place achieved in the previous edition in Canada.

  Max S. Pérez

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