Journalists and Executives in Agricultural Exchange


  upec congreso

The delegates of Holguín who will attend the next National Congress of the Union of Journalists of Cuba (UPEC), in its X edition, held a meeting with the executives of the UN system. agriculture in East Province.

An update, by Edgar Garcés, subdelegado of the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG) of the territory, has revealed that more than 63 thousand Northeast are engaged in agricultural work and this sector has 488 thousand hectares of land

At the meeting, it was also learned that only 1% of the soils were included in the highest quality category, so that the human factor plays a decisive role,

Substitution of Imports was discussed, the Eastern Region Cooperative Rural Development Project (Prodecor), sponsored by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture's genetic improvement. the mbad of livestock; self-sufficiency; exportable items and interiors of the company's supply and supply, among other topics.

Journalists asked questions on a variety of topics and even suggested some suggestions for influencing, for example, the promotion of various sectoral tasks. One of the most debated issues was the operation of cooperatives and their weight in total production.

For Leyna Ravelo, young sub-delegate of the province's breeding, the experience was positive and she believes that meetings should be held frequently, in order to exchange and discuss the One of the country's economy sectors called to meet the needs of the people.

Raúl Troya, President of the UPEC Holguín, thanked all the delegates, and coincided with Miriam Bárbara Rojas, Head of the Department of Development, Science and Institutional Communication of the Provincial Delegation MINAG, in which the activities of the Círculo de Periodistas where information circulates.

The X UPEC National Congress will be held on July 13th and 14th in La H abana, with the maxim "The truth needs us"

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