Journalists in Cuba will not accept Cubanet independent media


MIAMI, USA.- Ariel Terrero, president of the International Institute of Journalism José Martí, badured in the debate of the X Congress of the Union of Cuban Journalists that independent media does not will not be accepted on the island.

Radio, television, print and other media, as well as the technological platforms that they use, are state or social goods, according to established rules, and can not in no way do the object of Terrero said that "for historical and political reasons, our press model will not come to the image and likeness of any other, but our own designs and needs ", he added. and in accordance with the dynamics of a socialism also in renewal that has never turned a blind eye to international experience. "

The issue of salary increase is joined by government journalist Joel Suarez who said that to carry out the work that the UPEC proposes, they need a salary increase. "The umbrella that shelters to improve our work and our money income does not seem to open in the short term, while in the medium term, which does not translate into today 's. real time: 2.3 or 4 years, "he declared

". And there can be no divorce or disconnect between the transcendence of the approval of this policy and the journalist we represent at these sessions and when they reach our media, they ask us at close range: and what is it? do they say salary? He added:

Cuba recently approved a new communication policy, which aims to provide an answer to the question of rhetoric. state media having a greater ability "to report news as their colleagues in other countries."

During the Congress, pro-government journalists complained about censorship and self-censorship. They said that they should improve their way of approaching stories and achieve greater immediacy so that people prefer their content. They also announced new facilities for the media, although they said that the majority would continue to be funded by the state.

"The media will be financed mainly from the state budget.In the approved cases, the revenues from the sale of advertising services and spaces, the marketing to the interior and to the Outside of the country of their production and communication heritage, sponsorship revenues, donations and national and international cooperation will also be taken into account.

Media may badume "budgeted and budgeted management plans with special or commercial treatment ", depending on their requirements and characteristics." The management, production and marketing of mbad media content can be complemented by production, insurance and outsourcing services. non-state management forms, "he concluded.

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