Ketty Fresneda, finalist of MasterChef Spain, admits that "she felt a little prejudiced at the beginning" to be Cuban


A Ketty Fresneda, the only Cuban who reached the final of MasterChef Spain, did not reach her with her coconut salad, the burbot in her own juice and her special dessert "Cuba Libre in solid" to win the sixth edition of this well-known reality TV show

Ketty Fresneda, the Cuban who's snuck into the 15 finalists of Masterchef Spain

Ketty, however, says that she feels proud of her second place, although she admits that she would have liked the first place and remains hopeful for it. ;to come up.

The OnCuba digital newspaper interviewed her these days, focusing on knowing how she felt inside the contest and whether she felt at a certain point a " culture shock". When asked if she had any difficulties or if she had noticed a certain indisposition towards her during the competition, she answered with sincerity: "Yes, I felt a little prejudice." in the beginning. They saw me extravagant, handsome and thought I was there to give the show, "she said.

But, as she explained, she showed them that & # 39; They were wrong, explaining why: "I have been working in Spain for seven years. My boy in his kitchen, does not make me pretty, but stuck in a kitchen taking out the dishes. I did not go to & # 39; MasterChef & # 39; to sell my face, I am a hard-working aunt. We Cubans are used to that. What is good, is that gradually I showed that I was "dangerous" not because of my physical, but because I like to be in the kitchen and that I feel comfortable in the kitchen. "

Despite this, the strength of Cuban blood was palpable in many moments of the reality show where he showed his character. For her, it was a mix of everything: "I do not walk around with nonsense and of course, I crush myself several times and that brings me problems. Everyone does not want to hear the truth. Then, it's a mix of my character and my Cuban descent, "said Cuban, who will begin her studies starting in October at the Basque Culinary Center.

Her family in Cuba, with whom she has already had the opportunity to speak after the end of the competition, says that she is very proud of her. "They were surprised at the speed with which I matured.I have some clear things.When I went to the contest which is so great, you know it's not a joke, they were a bit scared.If "MasterChef" is difficult for the Spaniards, imagine for the aliens, "said Ketty, who also had the pleasure of having her mother's presence twice in the contest, after more than a year without being able to see each other personally.

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