Key points of Santos's speech in the installation of the Congress – Government – Politics


President Juan Manuel Santos last Friday delivered his last speech to Congress, which he essentially devoted to defending his legacy of peace and asking, both the legislators and the new government, that they do not miss Colombians in consolidating this conquest

He tells them that "the word committed – with the peace agreement – is not that of Juan Manuel Santos, but that of the "Colombian State", and recalls that the Congress and the Constitutional Court met through the approval of laws and laws to validate what had been agreed in Havana.

"This is the word contained in an agreement known, approved and celebrated as void by the international community, which is outstanding." – their fulfillment, as they have already told the president-elect Santos remembers in front of a crowded elliptical hall of deputies

In his speech, which lasted more than an hour, the president ad "If we persevere under the pretext of changing substantial points of the Agreement, there is a risk – as it does – to truncate governance and waste the time of this Congress in the futile effort to change the past. "

Santos, emphatically , told lawmakers: "We can not fail to peace, we can not fail the world, we can not miss the victims, we can not miss the future of Colombia, and the right to Our children and grandchildren to live in a country without conflict "

Then he asked them in front of Congress The Colombian president defended his administration and asked the new Congress and the elected president to take care of the peace.

During his speech

he added that the best proof of what has been accomplished in terms of peace is to have seen the Farc's former commanders vote for the first time in their lives and see them ideas with the word and not with the bullets. "

Before a congress where there were radical opponents to the agreement with the Farc, Santos was convinced of what had been accomplished in this area.

As he was said, he could have remained motionless. "I could have followed the inertia of the war in which I had already succeeded, as many have suggested to me. But neither my conscience nor history would have forgiven me, ".

He emphasized that today the greatest efforts of the government and society are not not devoted to the war but to the consolidation of the presence of the state, with all its advantages, in these vast regions so isolated by violence.

"I said it a year ago and I repeat it today, before returning to my status as a common citizen: popularity – this ephemeral caress vanity – I have willingly sacrificed and sacrificed it again … in exchange for. one of those lives saved! " affirmed the leader, visibly moved, that the members of Congress responded with one of the most prolonged applause;

In his last speech to the Capitol as president, Santos welcomed a more diverse, plural, participatory and inclusive Congress in 1945, more than two centuries of republican life.

Parliaments dominated by the two traditional political forces (liberal and conservative), where the other proposals were only symbolic minorities, are over.

He also announced that the opposition would benefit from even more guarantees. defend their positions and rights, in addition to highlighting the fact that the last elections were the most peaceful and most transparent in a long time

"Find this Congress – and you will find President Duque – a better Colombia, a different Colombia, more advanced in many aspects of our reality, "he said.


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