MATANZAS.-At the conclusion of the government's visit to this province, the president of State Councils and Ministers, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, emphasized the attitude of the Matancéros in the work and the unmistakable spirit that the territory is granted A visit, he said, which also allows decisions to support or improve certain issues, he said after recognizing the potential and diversity of a territory needing more support on some fronts to ensure greater deployment.
The Cuban president has stopped at the resuscitation works included in the program by the 325th anniversary of the city. We appreciate what you do, the atmosphere of the people, the enthusiasm and the trust, he said.
Yes, everything we do must be sustainable, last over time, he said. It took the valuable experience of three companies that were once depressed and today to exhibit splendor and set standards through daring and the spirit of work: the Victoria Agribusiness Company of Girón, the agricultural Vladimir I. Lenin, and the Suchel Jovel, these last two located in the municipality of Jovellanos.
In his badysis he insisted in the need to strengthen the food industry in the province, promote greater development of packaging and marketing. packaging, and to further evaluate the compacting of health services in the cipio of Ciénaga de Zapata, the largest and least populous of the country.
He also gave importance to the idea of improving transport service on this territory and to equip the museum of Girón with more modern support and more interactive
. In the morning, the Cuban president visited other sites of economic interest, such as Rayonitro, which produces mixed fertilizers, and the Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant, which was hit hard by the ravages Hurricane Irma and where the recovery was worth it.
He could also appreciate the constructive fever that is being inhaled today in the city, stimulating to cope with a lot of social projects.
During the meeting, Abel Prieto, Minister of Culture, hailed the restoration work of the legendary Sauto Theater and declared that in mid-August, components of the climate system hired by an Italian company, and that is already underway the import of audio, lights and other appliances of the electrical cabinet.
All this suggests, he commented, that perhaps this "extraordinary symbol" Teatro Sauto is definitely ready for October 12, date of the celebrations for the 325th anniversary of the city.
Referring to the constant setbacks in which the music company was involved, Abel Prieto pointed out that the main challenge of the province is to promote that enormous artistic talent that she has and with the opportunity to do so. offer infinite options of our authentic culture.
Another effort is to have a pienso ndustria, before the reality that Matanzas is a big producer of eggs, meat and milk. The factory, according to Gustavo Rodríguez Rollero, Minister of Agriculture, will be erected near what was the free center of Cuba, in the municipality of Pedro Betancourt.
At the meeting that marked the closing of the visit, the focus was put on in a group of actions that the province must undertake on the strategic fronts and the problems to be solved, despite the positive results that it presents today in general terms.
The importance of reinforcing attention to teachers as an essential aspect was also discussed. Support education coverage, a pending issue in the territory.
Leaving the seat of the Provincial Assembly of People's Power, Miguel Diaz-Canel exchanged with the people gathered in the central park of La Libertad, the same place where in January 1959, the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution took place. Is addressed to the people of Matanzas.
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