Kimbho threatens to dethrone WhatsApp in India


  Kimbho, the new India / RT messaging application


WhatsApp, the IM giant, could have its days numbered in India, where the new Kimbho app could be generalized thanks to its new features, the local media reported.

Kimbho, which owes its name to a Hindu expression used to greet informally, allows for video calls, sending pictures and voice messages, providing, in addition, the ability to use a wide range of "stickers".

The new app was launched in a trial version on May 30, totaling approximately 300,000 downloads. However, a day later was temporarily removed from Google Play and App Store due to a security problem . Its developers hope that the final version of Kimbho will be released in two months.

The goal of the creators of Kimbho is to dislodge WhatsApp in the Asian country, where it has more than 230 million users in a nation whose population surpbades 1.3 billion people.

"Why can not we build our own Messenger with superior features that people can trust and maintain user data in India?" Says Acharya Balkrishna, one of the project developers. Similarly, Balkrishna maintains that "people need an alternative" expressing his belief that Kimbho will become the most used instant messaging application in the Asian country.

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