Know the five companies that have more money than whole countries


The annual revenues of some companies are so large that they can overshadow the economies of many countries around the world. However, the success of some of them goes through a bad international reputation due to their bad practices.


The US company Walmart, dedicated to discount department stores, gets $ 486,000 million in 2017 in terms of revenue, a figure that surpbades the economy of the sixth largest economic power of the eurozone, Belgium, which has a gross domestic product (GDP) of 468 million dollars. Similarly, if Walmart were a country, it would rank 24th in the ranking of countries with the highest GDP.


The revenues of the German automaker Volskwagen are higher than the GDP of Chile. The company, which was hit by the hurricane after the diesel emissions scandal, earned $ 276 million over the past year. Chile's GDP, considered one of the most stable countries in South America with Argentina, Brazil and Colombia, was $ 250 billion. This would put the German company in 43rd position. if his income accounted for his GDP


The American tech giant, Apple, if he was a country would be the 47th richest in the world. The company headed by Arthur D. Levinson, who has been accused of mistreating his workers economically, hiding money in tax havens and not paying taxes, pocketed $ 229,000 in 2017. This figure is higher than the Portuguese GDP


The billionaire company Jeff Bezos, who is the richest man in the world, is about to beat Apple as the most valuable company of the planet 2017 has earned a total of 118,000 million dollars, revenues that exceed the GDP of Kuwait.


The parent company of Google, Alphabet, pocketed last year 111 billion dollars, a figure that exceeds the GDP of Puerto Rico Thus, if this company was a country, it would occupy the 59th place in terms of GDP.

Experts believe that globalization is one of the reasons why companies can accumulate such fortunes. However, many multinational corporations, including those mentioned in this article, have led scandals that have led to the rejection of a part of society.

Statistics show that executive salaries have increased significantly over the last five years. decades, thus widening the pay gap between them and their employees. The "big shots" can earn in a few hours the salary that one of their workers receives in a whole year . For example, while Walmart Director Doug McMillon's revenue rose 2% to $ 22.8 million in 2017, his average salary for the same period is $ 19,177. [19659012] (With information from Russia Today)

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