Lady of White sentenced to one year in prison after summary trial


The Municipal Court of Arroyo Naranjo, in Havana sentenced on Friday to one year in prison with internment to the Lady in white Yolanda Santana Ayala for the crime of disobedience due to non-payment of fines, denounced 14ymedio ] Berta Soler, Leader of the Opposition Movement

"Yolanda Santana and other Ladies in White are threatened for weeks by the State Security of". to be imprisoned if they do not leave the movement, "said the head of

The Penal Code establishes that the person who" disobeys the decisions of the authorities or public officials "may be sentenced to a term of imprisonment. imprisonment from three months to one year

"We have the case of Gladys Capote and Micaela Roll who are threatened with going to prison, these fines that were imposed upon us when we went out into the street every Sunday and have violated the opera they are police that they have installed "

For Soler, the stated goal of the government is to remove the ladies from the white movement.

For Soler, the stated goal of the government is that the ladies in the white movement disappear

During the trial, which lasted half an hour, both Santana's sons were present. "There was no lawyer to defend my mother, but there were a lot of plainclothes agents," told the newspaper Yaima González Santana, the daughter of the activist.

Yolanda Santana has 18 unpaid fines, 12 fines they have 150 pesos and six for a value of 1500 and 300 pesos, explains González. "My mother says that the house is not a dungeon and that is why she does not intend to pay these fines for simply wanting to leave her house." all were canceled because they determined that they were false and were only charged by 12 pesos out of 150. "

González says that in the court" he There was a big operation "of State Security and that all other scheduled trials were suspended. He also says that at the end of the session, they took his mother to the Capri police unit in Arroyo Naranjo, but later they did not give him any more information.

The Ladies in White reported in several reports that "I asked the paper with the phrase to see it but they said that as it was a summary the family does not get of paper and that this document went straight to the jail.I wait for her to call me so that she know which prison they took her to, "she explains.

The Damas de Blanco have denounced in several reports that State Security has taken the method of intimidating its members by imposing fines on them.

Santana Ayala joined the women's movement in 2013. According to Soler, as a measure of pressure against the activist, she imprisoned her son.

In his latest report, the Cuban Commission on Human Rights. and national reconciliation (CCDHRN) badured that there are at least 120 political prisoners in Cuba. re that this figure "is very difficult to arrive whenever the Government of Cuba does not accept cooperation" with international organizations.

On the island, there are between 65,000 and 70,000 people in prison and it is done It is very difficult to define an exact number of political prisoners because they are mixed ", says the report.


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