Las Tunas will be the national law for the 58th anniversary of the FMC


This Friday, July 27, the member of the Political Bureau and the State Council, and Secretary General of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC), Teresa Amarelle Boue, highlighted the work done by the organization in the first stage of the year 2018.

In addition, the leader pointed out the results of the emulation of the CMF and made known the municipalities and territories with relevant work during the period .

On this occasion, the provinces of Granma, Guantánamo and Camagüey were highlighted. as the vanguard and national headquarters of the central activities for August 23 Las Tunas. 40 municipalities have also been recognized throughout the country.

Amarelle Boué highlighted the main aspects that were taken into account in selecting the territories with meritorious work in the CGF, among which those related to the prevention and social work of community work, the call of the Organization to women to participate in activities that pay tribute to the economic and social life of the country.

Source: Radio Rebelde

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