Latin American educators meet in Bolivia


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Camagüey, Bolivia, Regional Meeting, Ministers of Education, Latin America

La Paz, July 24. Representatives from some 30 countries will attend the 2nd Regional Meeting of Ministers of Education and Experts from Latin America and the Caribbean, to be held in Cochabamba this week, sources said. Officials

The Minister of Education, Roberto Aguilar, informed that 29 delegations – out of 36 predicted – have confirmed participation in this event, which will be inaugurated tonight and continue the work in plenary on 25 and 26 of current month.

According to the agenda, Thursday, there will be a meeting of the Organization of Ibero-American States, which will send a delegation.

Organized by the Regional Bureau of Education for Latin America and the Caribbean and the Ministry of Education of Bolivia, the meeting followed the commitments of the Declaration of Buenos Aires (2017 ), within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goal Number Four (Quality Education) and the Agenda for Education 2030.

Aguilar pointed out that among the topics to be debated, the Inclusive education, quality of education, teacher training and the right to education.

The ministers' meeting will be a forum for exchanging ideas, experiences, challenges and lessons learned to rethink education and identify innovative approaches. debates will be incorporated into the Latin America and Caribbean Roadmap for the implementation of ODS4-E2030, the proposal of which was drafted in 2017 and 2018 by representatives of Ministries of Education, UN agencies and regional organizations. international organizations and civil society.

Before the inauguration, technicians and indigenous peoples n preparatory meetings since Monday and scheduled meetings between educational authorities. (Text and image: PL)


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