Launches tourism in Granma's summer offers


Launches tourism in Granma's summer offers. / Photo: Video capture. CNC TV

Granma is a tourist destination that offers more than sun and beach. Its nature, history and culture make it an unparalleled attraction on the island.

Thus, the Ministry of Tourism of this region of the East has launched for the summer various proposals ranging from discounts to special offers. At Cafe Palmares (El Chorrito) of Bayamo, one of the most visited establishments by Granmeses and foreigners, travel agencies, hotels and business groups have come together to promote their options.

Yanet Lolo, commercial specialist Islazul in Granma "In this summer Islazul, as usual, launches new economic offers for people to enjoy our facilities in the summer, we have economic offers in the seven facilities of territory, which are on sale in our agency, (Calle General García, between Lora and Masó, on the Bayamés promenade, next to the Piano Bar) in the case of hotels in municipalities such as Villa Balcón de la Sierra and Villa Santo Domingo in Bartolomé Masó, the Hotel Guacanayabo in Manzanillo and the Hotel Niquero, guests can go to their record. "

While Palmares offers not only gastronomic recreational fairs and shows for children, but also "We are sure that this will be very appealing to the customers because it is the option that goes to offer to acquire gourmet offers at lower prices than if you consume indian products. For example, at Dinos Pizza La Popular in Bayamo and La Glorieta in Manzanillo, every Sunday in July and August, customers can come and consume this offer, wine pizza, beer … and also at Café Palmares, with an offer of a menu that includes salad, main dish, topping and liquid for an approximate value of four CUC. "

To this is added the Tourist Office (INFOTUR) with details on the wide range of sites Granma and Cuba for the enjoyment of nationals and foreigners. year, an application for mobile devices is launched, launched at the International Tourism Fair, to make available to the customer the largest amount of tourist information online.

Alena Verdecia, INFOTUR at Granma, I emphasize that "CubaMAPS application, which allows the customer, offline and online, to search for hospitals, schools, cinemas, tourist facilities and anything that may interest the search through a map "19659003] The Campismo Popular, which in the province has four facilities, is also positioned in the months of July and August, as an option close to the Cuban family.
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