Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) says that to transform a country – yours – you can not waste time. Twelve days after being elected President of Mexico, he announces the first 13 reforms that he will send to Congress and which will mark the beginning of his government. But, what situation will AMLO find when he badumes the presidency on the 1st? Next December
Mexico falls into the hands of López Obrador is a country where violence, impunity, poverty, diplomatic relations, the economy and corruption cases have spawned a crisis of unprecedented historical dimension
Just to give some examples, from December 2012 to May 2018, there were 119,393 intentional homicides in Mexico and 37,435 the number of missing persons that currently exist.
According to a report by the National Human Rights Commission from 2012 to 2017, 25 recommendations were issued for serious human rights violations. The killing of journalists has reached a record number, with 44 cases documented in the current government out of a total of 117 that have been registered since 2000.
This is the scenario at which the next government of the Republic will face the consequences of the renegotiation of the Free Trade Agreement with North America, the virtual bankruptcy of Pemex and a human rights crisis that transcends borders.
The measures introduced last Wednesday by the new president represent some of the priorities The legislative measures that your government will take and try to compensate for many of these problems.
They are considering, among other things, a reform to eliminate the immunity of senior officials – including the president – and an announced law of revocation of the mandate.
] López Obrador said that the reform to "end the privileges and privileges" seeks that the interim president can be tried for electoral crimes and corruption, for which he asks for the increase of sentences, as well as only for fuel theft.
The representative of Morena baderted that he will undertake changes that will thin the structure of the public administration, as part of an announced plan of austerity which also includes the reduction of salaries of senior officials and the elimination of retirements of former presidents.
"All about the fight against corruption and the Republican austerity plan, which will be a priority from the first day of installation of He confirmed that he will seek to revoke or amend the reform of education undertaken
by the current government and to establish the right to free public education at all levels of schooling
". legislate the consultation mechanism for the revocation of the mandate and remove the obstacles or locks for the application of all the consultation procedures of citizens that should López Obrador won by an overwhelming majority and with promises related to the elimination of the deep-seated corruption in the country, also struck by growing violence and weak economic growth
The challenge is enormous not only for him, but also for a government cabinet that has already begun to comply with different political and economic actors, who should – in his own words – work on a common project that puts Mexico above what it is today
– Maximum Wage Regulation Act
– Establishment of the Public Security Secretariat
– Abolition of priv Privileges and Grievances
– New Serious Crimes: Corruption, theft of Essence and Electoral Fraud
– Budget and Law of In
– Transfer of the General Staff to the Department of National Defense
– Revoke the decrees on the privatization of water
– Revoke the laws of education reform
– Incorporate Article 3 of the Constitution into right to the Higher Education
– Revocation of Mandate
– Removing Barriers to Popular Consultation
– Reforms on the Increase of the Minimum Wage at the Border.
– Adjusting the administration to the austerity plan. , without layoffs of basic workers.
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