Lula meets 100 days in jail without renouncing the presidential election | Trade | World


Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is serving 100 days in prison since his surrender on April 7 to begin a sentence for pbadive bribery and money laundering.

imprisonment at the headquarters of the federal police of Curitiba, in southern Brazil, Lula da Silva who ruled Brazil between 2003 and 2010, leaving power with more than 80% of popularity, does not give up its aspiration to a new presidential term.

This Sunday the # 100diasdeResistencia campaign was launched on social networks to mark the date.

With a strong presence in social networks, the leader of the Workers' Party (PT) remains at the center of the presidential campaign towards the elections of October 7 with a 30% support in the polls.

Lula da Silva was sentenced in second instance to 12 years and one month in prison for having received an apartment on the São Paulo coast of the construction company OAS in exchange for promoting her in offers of the state-owned Petrobras.

His political force has closed his ranks around his candidacy, which will be formalized on August 15, when the legal deadline expires Although the PT refuses to speak of alternates – which was not even announced by a Vice Presidential candidate – figures like the former mayor of São Paulo are heard in the press Fernando Haddad or the former governor of Bahia Jaques Wagner, both with less than 2% in the polls [19659004] The lawyers of Lula da Silva who pleads innocent and claims that his prison is a "conspiracy" to disqualify him electorally, they seek to wait in freedom until all the cases of procedure be exhausted.

However, until now the defense has garnered a series of judicial setbacks, among which a recent and ban for Lula to be interviewed by the media.

The most publicized episode up here on sentencing was held on July 8 when a second instance judge, who was on guard on weekends and had links with the PT, granted a habeas corpus to the exmandatario, engaging in a judicial war with five simultaneous decisions against and in favor.

The trial was settled by the president of the court of appeal who ruled that Lula should remain a prisoner

Lula da Silva continues to be detained in his cell of 15 square meters on the fourth floor of the police headquarters in Curitiba.

It has a television in the room furnished with a single bed, a table, a chair and a wardrobe. Follow national news through Brazilian channels and their conversations with friends and family.

Source; AFP

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