Maduro stresses the right to education as irreversible


July 11, 2018, 20:58 Caracas, July 11 (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro pointed out that with the arrival of the Bolivarian Revolution – 19 years ago with the Commander Hugo Chávez – the right to free, quality public education is irreversible.

"Free and quality public education is an irreversible right of the Bolivarian Revolution. Education, culture and knowledge are at the root of the real economic and social revolution of the 21st century, "said the head of state at the graduation ceremony of Misión Sucre [19459002EstablishmentofMissionRobinsonfoundedin2003whichhashelpedtoliteratemorethanonemillion500000peopleandthusdeclaretheSouthAmericancountryasaterritorywithoutilliteracyinadditiontocreating-morelate-RibasandSucremissions

"We must remember that the missions were born in the heat of the fight against the coup d'etat in the first stage of the revolution, were created to meet the needs of development of our people in the areas of health, education and culture "In this regard, he said that in 10 years Mission Sucre graduated more than 500 thousand people, and urged the 44 universities built by the Chav government ista to promote the transformation of education to meet the productive needs of the country.

"We must achieve the highest levels of scientific and humanistic education, the highest levels of knowledge that everyone," said Maduro, while reiterating the need to graduate a total of 60 thousand doctors for serve the public health system.

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