Margarine against butter, who is healthier?


MEXICO.- He appeared as a healthy alternative to butter, of animal origin, because of its vegetable origin; however, margarine This is not what it seems.

By the 1980s, margarine became popular thanks to strong campaigns claiming that animal fats caused an increase in cholesterol and were dangerous for health. It was the "healthy" option, since it was obtained from vegetable oils such as sunflower. But in fact, margarine and butter contain the same caloric load (717 per 100 grams), publishes the web portal Food & Wine.

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Over time, margarine has become a product rich in saturated fats and made with many preservatives. The goal was to match the taste, smell and appearance of butter, but with plant ingredients.

Why is it advisable not to eat too much?

The margarine contains up to 60% water, which leaves us 40% artificial additives, dyes and fats.

Many people consume margarine because their diet prevents them from consuming animal products, but it is better to replace it with a 100% vegetable oil, or even extra virgin.

Saturated fats increase cholesterol and lower heart fats

And although many margarine companies now claim that their new formula is not harmful to health, all are not free of saturated fats and it is difficult for a completely natural market to exist.

Any excess is bad and it's not about stopping eating packaged things, but making an effort to have a more balanced diet and without artificial products.

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