Massacre in Nicaragua: Ortega forces attack and besiege civilians | VIDEOS | Trade | World | News


Repression of the regime of Daniel Ortega again cried Nicaragua this Friday. At least two people were killed and dozens wounded by attacks by government forces in Masaya City and the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN) in Managua, while the president pleaded for a public act of peace.

Precisely, the two deaths – a policeman and a civilian – occurred in the neighborhood of Monimbó, south of Masaya, "attacked with high quality weapons" by Ortega forces, said Álvaro Leiva , of the Nicaraguan Association of Human Rights. (ANPDH)

In Managua, police and paramilitaries besieged, under constant attacks, the Church of Divine Mercy, where dozens of students who were entrenched at UNAN were refugees. The reports of the last hours of the night indicated that the evacuation had begun, without knowing where the wounded were.

#NICARAGUA . Cruz Roja finally manages to let her enter the parish of the parish Divina Misericordia and they begin to evacuate the wounded. My prayer for them. God protects those who are still in the house. @CIDH @ OACNUDH

– Silvio José Báez (@silviojbaez) July 14, 2018

"There was enough resistance, they were answered by contact bombs (craft) and mortars.We have a dead city and a policeman who died in the attack, "said AFP an opposition leader in Monimbó by phone, past the bloodiest of the confrontation.

Meanwhile, about fifteen young university students are injured Managua, a doctor accompanying them told local reporters. The drama scenes of Nicaragua were broadcast on social networks: "They all came with guns, to kill," said a young man in the church. "We can not leave, we are cornered," shouted another.

"Please, help us" "Mom, forgive me, I did it for my homeland," say desperate UNAN youngsters in several videos circulating in networks, where bursts are heard and boys are seen squatting behind the trenches before taking refuge in the parish.

The attacks took place during a day of work stoppage, the second in three months of protests against Ortega "

" It is urgent that the attacks that are occurring right now in Monimbó, Masaya , against the students of UNAN and the Church, cease immediately, "he wrote on Twitter The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner

The Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, asked the authorities to allow experts from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to enter the University. immediate acts of violence and repression carried out by the state against the civilian population at UNAN, Masaya, Monimbo and Managua. Comprehensive guarantees for the integrity of all. The perpetrators of these attacks will be held responsible for their crimes #Nicaragua

– Luis Almagro (@ Almagro_OEA2015) July 14, 2018

The students were besieged in the Church of the Divine Mercy of Managua at night Friday by paramilitaries and paramilitaries, shortly before UNAN commits war crimes, as reported Dr. Ricardo Pineda, treasurer of the Nicaraguan Medical Association .

The youth group has taken refuge in the parish of UNAN. , where they transferred wounded students who had been locked in the university's headquarters for several weeks to demand the resignation of President Daniel Ortega

"Priests, national and foreign journalists and wounded students, surrounded by paramilitaries in the Parish of the Divina Parish Misericordia of Managua, we try to find them somebody, "writes the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Ma on his Twitter account nagua, Silvio José Báez

several local media, reproduced by Báez, the men of the press would be Ismael López, BBC Mundo, Joshua Partlow, Washington Post, Jose Noel Marenco, 100% Noticias, and Sergio Marín, La Mesa Redonda

In this regard , the US Senator, Marco Rubio, said on his Twitter account that the district where embbady employees live From his country, he was attacked and if something happened to them, he has directem blamed Daniel Ortega and his wife, Rosario Murillo.

Ambulances must be allowed to immediately enter the church and remove the wounded before anyone lives a life long. If someone dies because of this deliberate delay of the scheme, Ortega and his wife will be held personally liable. Ambulances are on the outside of the building, leave them now

– Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) July 14, 2018

– The "Road to the peace "- [19659022] While the attack was recorded in Monimbó and the surrounding area, Daniel Ortega ended the journey of a caravan of supporters who could not enter the Masaya neighborhood, where the villagers were entrench in the resistance to the government

. Truck surrounded by escorts, the President of Nicaragua, accompanied by his wife Rosario Murillo, went by caravan from Managua to the Masaya rebel, 35 km south, to thwart the stoppage of work with which the opposition presses its exit from power.

"We invite everyone (…) to take the path of peace that is the only one that will give us peace," Ortega told the police station in Masaya, heavily guarded by the police riot and the police, with whom photographs were taken. [19659025] The caravan commemorated the historic "retiegue", a guerrilla effort before the triumph of the popular uprising that, led by the Sandinista National Front of Liberation (FSLN), overthrew dictator Anastasio Somoza in 1979.

Opponents accused Ortega must unleash a fierce crackdown on protests and create a dictatorship with his wife, marked by corruption and nepotism.

In Washington, the Organization of American States (OAS) met on the serious situation in Nicaragua. Seven countries presented a draft resolution calling on the Ortega government to support early elections in agreement with the opposition.

To get out of the crisis, the Catholic Church, mediator in a dialogue between the government and the Alliance, proposed elections from 2021 to 2019. But it was dismissed by Ortega, a Sandinista guerilla of 72 years who ruled since 2007 for the third time in a row

– Nicaragua paralyzed –

Markets, banks, gas shops, restaurants and small sales food did not open in cities, the support of the appeal of the opposition, but also for fear of looting or aggression.

The 24-hour strike, supported by business leaders, was convened by the National Alliance for Justice. Democracy, composed of civil society groups

The strike, the second after June 14 – which killed four people, is the day after a great march in Managua and demonstrations in others cities, with the balance of four policemen and a civilian killed in the municipality of Morrito, in the southeast of the country.

Police arrested Friday the peasant leader Medardo Mairena, one of the opposition delegates in dialogue with the government, whom he accused of being a "terrorist" and to be whoever "commanded" the "attack" against civilians and the military.

The third day of pressure from the Alliance, opponents will travel Saturday in a caravan of vehicles through the troubled neighborhoods of Managua

Source: AFP / EFE

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