Matteo Spreafico strengthens Vuelta's leadership in Venezuela


The leader Matteo Spreafico was well guarded. Courtesy: Edicson Dávila

Taking advantage of the caste of the sprinter, a condition that gave him his history of petero in the selections of Venezuela, Carlos Linares larense member of the Fundación Venezuela País de Futuro has imposed himself in the maze Eighth This Venezuela's Vuelta stage arrived in the city of Charallave in the state of Miranda after traveling 212.5 kilometers since leaving Morón, state of Carabobo.

With a record of 4 hours, 54 minutes with 18 seconds, Linares crossed the goal and behind him appeared three seconds apart the compacted pack that led into the pack , Orluis Aular, governor of Miranda and Cristian Pita, Ecuador team, to complete the podium of this eighth fraction.

Results not They changed to all the overall standings that command Italy, Matteo Spreafico of Androni Giacattolo with the time of 30: 45.14, with a difference of 1 "16 is followed by José Al Bunker , governor of Miranda and in the third box, Anderson Paredes of Ecuador Team with a delay of 1 "44 compared to the leader.

Weighed only in this stage for the long, arduous and complicated in his journey, for both very important mountain prices could have made the difference, but it was not like that, the leader stayed with normality, arrived in the main team, while his rials could have lost the last chance to get out of traffic in Matteo Spreafico. The train pbaded and they let it pbad. Yesterday was a lot of effort for so little result in those who aspired more.

Carlos Linares crystallized another victory of the Fundación Venezuela País de Futuro. Courtesy: @zciclismo

Fiesta total

Welcome to the Vuelta by the state organization Miranda and in this case Charallave showed why they wanted so much that the Vuelta comes back. It was a warm welcome that all the protagonists of the cyclist of the caravan felt. There is no doubt that points have been scored to be taken into account in future editions.


The winner of the stage, Carlos Linares is a native rider from the state of Lara, he left the maestro's school Hector Alvarado, spinter by nature, but he was able to defend in the road and with this triumph the fourth stage for your organization, Fundación país de Futuro. "A great effort was made, it's another victory for our team of great importance since we added very well and ran in. Today was exhausting, a step that has become much longer than ever." 39, it was thought before, but finally it is the satisfaction of being on the podium, it calms fatigue. "

The leader in case of problems [19659003] For its part, the leader, Matteo Spreafico, said: "Today, the team has come forward, everyone has run to defend what has been won until the next day. the hour It makes me very happy to be able to keep the shirt, we have two more steps to reach the end. "

The peloton remained motionless in this eighth stage. Courtesy Edicson Dávila

Ninth Stage

The penultimate station of this Vuelta in Venezuela 2018 moves the caravan of Ocumare del Tuy, Miranda State to Valencia, the capital of Mexico. state of Carabobo. It will be a totally flat course of 187 kilometers, where appears only a small slope for a category "C" mountain port when it completes the pace of Stop Yuma at about 35 kilometers from the goal located in front of the Arturo Michelena Airport of Valencia. Three sprints will be disputed, only one will be eligible


Orden of Llagada

  • Carlos Linares Venezuela Country of the future 4:54:19
  • Orluis Governance Aulaire de Miranda at 3 sec
  • Cristian Pita Team Ecuador at 3 sec.
  • Miguel Ubeto Venezuela Country of Future to 3 sec.
  • Governorate of Clever Martínez de Carabobo at 3 sec.

General Character

  • Matteo Spreafico Androni Giocattoli 30:45:14
  • Jose Alarcón Governorate of Miranda at 1 "16
  • Anderson Walls Team Ecuador at 1" 44
  • Leonel Quintero Governance of Miranda at 1 "47
  • Ángel Rivas Gobierno of Miranda at 3" 06

Elvins Humberto González

[email protected]

Diário de Los Andes / Web Editor


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