Member highlights role of youth in Cuba's future


July 7, 2018, 15:42 By Cosset Lazo Pérez

Havana, July 7 (PL) The thinking and attitude of young people largely determine the future of life. A country, considered today as the Cuban deputy Jorge González, who participates in the IX Congress of the University Student Federation (FEU) as a guest

In statements to Prensa Latina, González described the events in which the new generations of Cubans participate as very important because they bring new messages and dynamic and spontaneous approaches

I am happy to see how the delegates to the conclave defend socialism and reaffirm the concept of Revolution and have among their paradigms the thought of their historic leader Fidel Castro (1926-2016), the parliamentarian explained.

The future of this country is guaranteed by the youth, said Gonzalez, known around the world for participating in the search and identification of the remains of the Cuban-Argentine guerrilla Ernesto Che Guevara and his fellow combatants in Bolivia

At the discretion of the legislator, the IX FEU Congress is a meeting of vital importance in the context of the generational change towards the country after the inauguration of Miguel Diaz- Canel as President of Cuba

Díaz-Canel was born with the Revolution, was formed by him and is in charge of the nation since April 19, he said. These young people gathered here know that they have the future in their hands, said Gonzalez, a founding member of the Cuban Society of Forensic Medicine and a deputy at the National Assembly of People's Power.

Inaugurated this Saturday at the Palais des Congrès in Havana, the 9th FEU Congress has as delegates of honor the first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (CCP), Raúl Castro; the second secretary of the CPC, José Ramón Machado Ventura, and the president Miguel Díaz-Canel.

Scheduled until tomorrow, the conclave brings together 400 delegates from all the universities of Cuba and 100 guests, and hosts debates around teaching, social work and political-ideological engagement.

Founded in 1922 by revolutionary leader Julio Antonio Mella, FIRE was born with the mission of uniting Cuban university students, representing their interests and baderting their rights

. , the students ratified the day before in a march of the Martian Forge to the steps of the University of Havana their commitment to the defense of the Revolution of 1959.

ocs / clp

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