Mercosur to introduce special scheme for migrant children


7 July 2018, 13:05 Asuncion, 7 Jul (PL) The Southern Common Market (Mercosur) aims to establish a special regime for migrant children as part of the creation of mechanisms that protect the The executive secretary of the Institute of Human Rights Public Policies of this entity, Paraguayan Juan González Bibolini, warned against the increasing global migration and the obligation to respect their rights of l & # 39; man.

Ms. González and the institution she directs will carry out the Migrant Childhood Focus initiative, a program that will redouble efforts to protect the vulnerability of displaced children and adolescents.

Human mobility in the world exposes us to He added that it was increasingly urgent to return to the basics of protecting the human rights of migrants.

The senior Mercosur official said that the fragility of children and adolescents in this category should be given more weight.

He stressed the need to work in a specific area to deal with the situation of children. In this sense, he confirmed that the Mercosur Institute is working on the design of a project to cover this issue.

"We will promote the Migrant Childhood Focus initiative, aimed at deepening the badysis and development of a regional public policy. "We must redouble efforts for the rights of migrant children, as they are one of the most important reasons for our commitment to the common future,

] He claimed that Mercosur promotes a favorable and respectful response to human rights standards in the face of mbadive migration in the region. "The countries of South America show that we are a place of welcome, refuge, of asylum and integration, "said González.

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