Mexico, one of the countries that has improved the most according to the new global index of innovation


Chile remains the most innovative country of Latin America Mexico is one of those who have made the most progress and Spain, which remains at the 28th ranking place, rest recover levels of investment in R & D before the crisis, according to the new World Index of Innovation .

The study, prepared by Cornell University of the United States, INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) places Switzerland, the Netherlands , Sweden, the United Kingdom and Singapore at the vanguard of global innovation and testifies to China's great rise in this field

. The report, presented today in New York, warns that it has not yet found the levels of investment in R & D before the economic crisis

Spain, with the United States, Germany and India. , is one of the top five global producers of wind energy and, like the others, continue to experience steady growth in this area, says this report.

Despite a decline in position, Chile is the best-placed country in Latin America, ranked 47th, followed by Costa Rica. only one place, 54, and Mexico, 56, which increases by 2.

Two other Latin countries appear in the top half of the list: Uruguay (62) and Colombia (63).

lower: Brazil (64), Panama (70), Peru (71), Argentina (80), Jamaica (81), Dominican Republic (87), Paraguay (87), Trinidad and Tobago (96) , Ecuador (97)), Guatemala (102), El Salvador (104), Honduras (105) and Bolivia, ranked 117th out of 126 countries.

Like last year, Nicaragua and Venezuela do not include in the list for lack of data.

The study reveals that there are only three Latin American countries with high-income economies (Chile, Uruguay and Trinidad and Tobago) and warns that the United States has not significantly improved its innovation indices compared to other regions.

Nevertheless, for the first time since this index exists, two Latin American countries, Costa Rica (53) and Colombia (65), are recognized as winners. innovation "in recognition of their efforts.

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