Milk Cooperative Achieves Millionaire Results • Workers


  Cooperativa lechera reaches millionaire results

About 30% of the milk distributed in the country is guaranteed by Camagüey producers. The success of the race is largely responsible for the deliveries of millions of dollars like credit and services cooperative (CCS) Evelio Rodríguez Curbelo, to Jimaguayú.

  dairy cooperative
The guarantee of animal feed also contributes to the success of the dairy harvest. Photo: Orlando Durán Hernández

Before the planned, the CCS became the first in the country to provide the industry with a million liters of cow's milk, a record figure for them since they were the only ones in the world. had already reached in the month. August

According to CCS President Isel Galindo Cruz, the success is due to the incorporation of 75 farms to double milking, good animal management, as well as the cooling points that guarantee the quality and quality of life. control in delivery "If we continue like this, we will be able to reach 2 million in what remains of the harvest," he said.

For the sixth year in a row, the cooperative's farmers reached the one millionth mark thanks to the joint work of its 287 badociates, who managed to collect about 7,100 liters a day

For now, they have 10 mechanical milking equipment for two people, but they can install another four places, which will help to increase liters of milk a day.

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