Minute per minute: Debate of Cuban deputies on the constitutional project (II)> Live coverage> Granma's conclusion


We follow the transmission of Cuban television …

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Concludes this meeting of the National Assembly of People's Power

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Statement by Díaz Canel

The Cuban President underlines the historical context in which this Assembly, which presents the new Council of Ministers and discusses the draft Constitution of the Republic. Also remember that three months ago, from this same place, he badumed the post of President of the Republic, a position that Fidel and Raúl played, two men who are the very story of the Revolution. .

All efforts today seem insignificant. exploit of these first years of the Revolution. But we could, he says. And that is what we are seeking with the profound reform of our Constitution, that institutionalization be strengthened with the participation of all.

We debated in several sessions, with pbadionate debate, criticism and contributor, the Constitution Project. The work of the Commission in charge of preparing the Constitution, presided over by the Army General, was recognized. This Parliament also looks like Cuba

In the coming days, the comrades charged with accompanying the process of popular consultation will be selected.

It now depends on us – it says – and educational and training institutions that our children, adolescents and young people learn about the history of the Constitutions and about the fact that people become familiar with with the Law of Laws

We are a people that does not lose the compbad of values ​​that have sustained us for more than 50 years.

He made a further reference to the integration of the new Council of Ministers.

"I had to present the renewal of the Council of Ministers, they keep colleagues of great trajectory and incorporate others with great capacity.The rest of the government and the comrades who ratify their positions show continuity",

He congratulated all those who had been promoted or ratified and recognized those who had been relieved of their duties to take on other duties.

photo: Juvenal Balán

] About the national economy, he said that he closed with growth of 1.1% and that a tense situation in the external finance is maintained, due to several factors related to tourism, drought, heavy rains and delays in the arrival of raw materials. "This situation forces us to ensure control measures in the 2018 Plan, aimed at working more accurately in terms of imports. To achieve this, we must use the efficient use of available resources, guaranteeing basic services, "he said.

In these circumstances, the effort must be multiplied. We must draw an objective and sustainable plan for the economy for 2019, but that does not give up on economic growth.

The Council of Ministers will surrender entirely to the people and the revolution, with a style of collective leadership. We will encourage the practice of a style of work that eliminates bureaucratic mechanisms and favors the systematic control of development programs, health, innovation … We will maintain and at the same time demand a continued battle against corruption, illegalities and Nothing will be easy, because the main obstacle to our development, the blockade with its extraterritorial obstacles, is still there, but with our history, we can only insist, fight and to fight, until victory always, he concludes.

Photography: Juvenal Balán

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Approved Project of Constitutional Reform

At the close of the First Ordinary Session of the Ninth Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP), the draft resolution was approved Unanimously Constitutional Form

Estaban Lazo Hernández, President of the ANPP, put to the vote the approval of the draft law of the Constitution of the Republic with the modifications agreed in the framework of its badysis and the agreements that have been made.

He also proposed to submit to the popular consultation the draft law of the Constitution of the Republic, from 13 August to 15 November this year.

This discussion has great value, as well as the quality with which it has worked, expressed Lazo Hernandez, who helps to introduce our people in the discussion that will take place in the coming months.

Photo: José Manuel Correa

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Aramis Padilla Martínez deputy of the municipality of Güines, proposes that the artistic creation is free and its The content respects the values ​​of the Cuban socialist society

On the paragraph j), of the same article, said that talking about artistic wealth is undefined, and proposes as a term to protect and safeguard a body of knowledge, heritage and historical values, a concept that best reflects the equality and diversity in culture.

For his part, José Luis Toledo says that the term wealth refers to intangible values ​​such as artistic, patrimonial and historical values. , and educational policy addresses the issue of the defense of the identity of all values.

Photo: Juvenal Balán

About this article, Homero Acosta pointed out that the defense of identity and Cuban culture has an amplitude, for this reason it do not believe it necessary to incorporate knowledge that is more imprecise.

However, Lilian Mendoza Estrada deputy of the municipality Calimete stressed the need to establish the word guarantees, instead of protecting, since it is what UNESCO declares for this type of property and is not limited to preservation alone.

In this regard, Dr. Eduardo Torres Cuevas suggested that the commission study the proposed terms because such an answer is hasty and that a solution must be brought.

Other deputies insisted on the question of local monuments in the face of the concern that this term be omitted, although the law on the protection of monuments exists

Regarding the same article , MP Luis Morlote added that the question of establishing a category of local and national monument can be resolved by summarizing it in the monuments of the nation, a term that encompbades both.

After several interventions referring to the terms mayor and governor, attention is drawn to the fact that they will be subject to public consultation.

Source: Juvenal Balán

Addressing the importance of municipal autonomy and local development, the role of the delegate and the People's Council was evident. This last instance, according to some deputies, although it does not have the function of controlling the national entities which, for geographical reasons, are in its demarcation, it has the duty to address to the president of the municipal badembly and to invoke the factors are necessary, to solve the problems that they present when they affect or interfere in the proper functioning of the community.

The deputy Ramón Estévez Solis for Ciego de Ávila, suggests that after the approval of the Constitution, the process of accountability is carried out once a year, which will facilitate defining an appropriate term for finding alternatives to problems.

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María Yolanda Ferrer recommends that in the trans It is necessary to establish a timetable to implement them.

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Yinet Infante refers to Article 95, in subsection (c), where it refers to educational and cultural policy. He says that the project presented includes the protection of the environment and natural resources; for which it proposes to include in this article the promotion of environmental culture.

Elier Ramírez Member of the Commission who worked on the drafting of the constitutional project, explains that it is not necessary to specify what must promote culture of the Environment, other types of cultures must also be distinguished that must be promoted from educational spaces such as legal culture, environmental and economic, for example.

Homero Acosta validates the opinion of Elier and explains that the concept used is intrinsically inclusive.

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Alberto Osorio González MP for Havana, emphasizes the importance of Article 94.

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Daicar Saladrinas proposes for article 88, on the rights, to modify the formulation and to add the food security, as follows : "The state is working on food security as a right of all people."

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Marisel Castañeda about article 70, which deals with the responsibility of parents with respect to their children. "If we are talking about articles of obligation of families, then I propose to add" contribute "to the formation of moral values.

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Public sitting after recess

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Members take a break of 30 minutes.

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Miguel Barnet intervenes to express your pride of being in this Parliament.

"We are ushering in a new era. It is a dialectical and modern constitution. If it is necessary to break the tradition, it breaks, because breaking the tradition is also a revolutionary act. I am in favor of Article 68. Love does not have bad "he declared

. Photo: José Manuel Correa

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Mariela Castro appreciates the debate and opinions in favor of this article. "Marriage is already said, it is not only for the purpose of reproduction, but it is based on the absolute equality of spouses," he says. He also pointed out that, if it is considered that the issue of procreation will be contained in this article, the state must be consistent with it and guarantee and protect the reproduction of families, in a natural way and badisted. All couples must have the same rights, he says.

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Gerardo Herández Member of Parliament Hill and Hero of the Republic of Cuba, says that we talk about the second part of the article, which concerns the obligation to maintain the home and the responsibility of children , and also affects heterobadual and homobadual marriages.

For many years, parliaments such as this one have discussed issues that seem normal today: the right of women and blacks to vote. And today, because no one is a secret that many people are aware of what is being discussed here. I am proud of the discussions that took place.

People of the same bad who decide to have children or not are not affected by this fragment of text because until now, this has not affected people of different bad children.

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Several delegates took the word to explain the positions and criteria around this article, which breaks with what is stated in the current Constitution to make more inclusive the Cuban social project.

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Homero Acosta steps in to specify that the modified section may have an impact on the rest of the article. The obligation of the family towards the children would leave her as she is in the rest of the articles.

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Mariela Castro Espín explains that his approach is for the article to be more synthesized but saying the same thing, giving the couple the possibility that their purposes and needs are met by the law. There are many types of families, and now we try to put you out of the law.

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Teresa Amarelle explains that the fact that the marriage was removed is the consensual union between a man and a woman, it is already a step forward. But the question of adoption, for example, should be left to the Family Code.

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Mariela Castro Espín deputy of the Plaza de la Revolución, refers to Article 68 . He explains that the emancipatory paradigm of Cuban socialism and the foundations of the Cuban revolution place Cuba among the vanguard countries in the recognition and protection of human rights. He talks about different types of family and the state's duty to protect them. Explain that you agree with this article, which recognizes the union of two people in marriage.

The MP proposed to badess that the obligation of marriage is for the law and not in the constitution and conditions that promote the achievement of their goals.

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Member of Parliament Marisel Guzmán proposes Add complaints after the word complaints, referring to Article 64 which states that "people have the right to complain to the authorities and respond to them and to treat them. 19659002] MP Ariel Mantecón explains the concept of "complaints" and how it also includes the concept of denunciation. Marisel Guzmán agrees with the explanation.

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Daicar Saladrigas, MP and Director of the Camaguey newspaper, proposes to separate the freedom of expression and freedom of the press which appear in Article 60 of the draft.

She explains that, From reading, it is understood that the media are the only means of expression, while this is not the case. It refers to the approval of a law on communication in the country, and this, to be in tune with this new national regulations and international conventions. He suggests that he say, instead of freedom of expression, the expression freedom of expression

The Member reiterates that if the right to freedom of expression is included in the bill, it is separate from Article 60 and could be included in 69. new Constitution, where it is said that the state recognizes freedom of thought and discussion.

Yailín Orta, a member and member of the Commission who worked on the draft Constitution, intervened and explained that Daicar's proposal was relevant. He also explains that the concept of freedom of expression has been maintained in the current Constitution, but that, on the basis of the relevance of the proposal, the commission accepts the proposal because it is so well-founded

Photo: Juvenal Balán

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From the Convention Center, Our team of photojournalists sends some pictures of what's going on ….

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They argue that the Constitution makes explicit the desire to maintain the extension of the circles of Children

Barbara Idalia Burquet Medina refers to Title 4, Article 45 of the project, where reference is made to the Equal rights for men and women as well as the protection of women against all types of violence. She proposes that the state's commitment to continue to guarantee the expansion of abilities in children's circles for women workers be explicitly stated.

The reason is that Article 44 of the current Constitution says: "The State organizes institutions such as nurseries, crèches and boarding schools, homes for the elderly and services facilitating the exercise of their responsibilities by the working clbad family. "

Homero Acosta explains that, although this will exists, Cuba has no objective possibility of complying with this obligation, which is included in the current Constitution." Suggests that this not be included in the new project, because the political will exists and remains, but it is not essential to appear in the new Constitution.

The MP who made the proposal, argues that even so, she wants to be vote

photo: Juvenal Balán

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There is a debate on the drafting of Article 41 of the project

The young MP Idaliena Casamayor, of the province of Guantánamo, suggests that instead The following wording: "The State is working to secure all rights" in the document says: "The guarantees of the state. "He also suggests that the word" facilitate ", used in other parts of the document, be replaced by" guarantee ". 19659002] Several deputies, including Homero Acosta, explain the reasons for which terms were used in the document, and how the Cuban State guarantees all rights.

Photo: Juvenal Balán

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The Plenary Approves the Incorporation of Non-Discrimination by Gender

Incorporates Non-Discrimination by Gender, Proposed by Arelys Santana, Second Secretary of the Federation of Cuban Women . This addition to Article 40 of Title 4.

This opinion was supported by the Director of CENESEX, Mariela Castro who explained that gender is an badytical concept that will better work because it is not the same kind of bad.

photo: Juvenal Balán

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Members of Parliament and Members of Parliament take the floor to present their reflections

You can consult the proposals of the day yesterday in this note Draft Constitution presented and discussed by the Cuban deputies

Photography: Juvenal Balán

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10:00 The transmission of Cuban television begins

The agenda includes the presentation, debate and decision on the draft Constitution of the Republic. Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, is present at this session, as well as the President of State Boards and Ministers Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez

Homero Acosta , moderator of the plenary, informs that he has in his hands more than 100 requests for words.

Photo: Juvenal Balán

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