Misión Cultura Adentro celebrates 13 years of existence founded by Hugo Chávez and Fidel Castro> World> Granma


The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, congratulated the members of the Mission CultureCorazón Adentroal for 13 years to create this social program that aims to promote cultural activity for the rescue of national identity, reports the Venezuelan Noticias Agency

"I congratulate the Mission Culture for its 13th anniversary, a social program designed by our commander Chávez with the aim of strengthening our national identity of communities through the artistic knowledge of our creators and creators Long live the Mission of Culture! "Wrote the Head of State on Twitter

I congratulate the Mission Culture for its 13th anniversary, a social program designed by our Commander Chávez to strengthen our national identity communities through the artistic knowledge of our creators and creators, long live the mission of culture! pic.twitter.com/cKiy6FgX2q [19659004] – Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) July 10, 2018

The mission Misión Cultura Adentro was created by the head of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, with the support of the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, and with him it was possible to complete.
Between the years 2008 and 2015 more than five thousand professionals of Cuban culture shared their art in Venezuela, although the center of work was found today in communities of extreme poverty, the basics social missions and urbanism created by the Revolution, where more than 600 of our missionaries carry out their activities, said Seijo
The Mission Culture is an initiative of the Venezuelan State and the Bolivarian Government which aims at strengthening the institutional synergy to encourage community participation, ensure mbadive access to culture, ensure the dissemination and creation of cultural activities events of popular and community sectors, establishing participatory building of models of cultural evaluation. All this will establish an innovative system for the protection and preservation of cultural heritage and national identity.
Its strategy is to consolidate the national identity inscribed in the process of decentralization, democratization and mbadification of Venezuelan culture, aimed at the search for territorial balance, attention to the 39, the whole population and educational and vocational alternatives for large sectors of the population.
He is currently developing a project to revive the cultural mission for the promotion of socialist values, the National School of Popular Cultures, the National System of Popular Cultures and Misión Cultura Adentro.
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