Mobile signal back to Sancti Spíritus


The Territorial Division of Etecsa in Sancti Spíritus plans for this Saturday the restoration of cellular coverage in the 300,000 lines that exist in the province approximately, after 12 days of fire in the Central Technological Zone. of Telecommunications of Villa Clara.

According to Miladys González, Head of the Marketing and Communication Department, since the beginning of this week began the distribution of equipment for the radio bases of the remaining municipalities that remained to be replaced, which allowed the rehabilitation of the signal mobile in the municipalities of Yaguajay, Cabaiguán, La Sierpe and Jatibonico.

From the company's goal to compensate for the damage of the loss in the shortest possible time, this Saturday must be resolved badignments in localities where there are still limitations with

The council recognizes that several customers of Etecsa have They have difficulties with their mobile phones because of the incompatibility between them and the technology that has just been published in Sancti Spíritus, as they are not recorded in a definitive way in the network and in this regard, it notes that each user

Regarding voice plans, sms and reload bonuses, Etecsa reaffirms the desire to restore to customers the facilities that they stopped consuming because of the network interruption as long as users are recovering the service, and badured that everyone will receive a text message as a notice as the notification.

The head of the Ministry of Marketing and Communication said that for a month there could be variations in telephone service until the testing phase of the installed technology.

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