Morales admits that "Unasur" is in crisis ". and announces talks with peers in the region


"I am really sorry to tell you that Unasur is in crisis". President Evo Morales described the difficult situation of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), whose pro tempore presidency is in the hands of Bolivia, after about six nations have announced their departure.

The reflection of the Bolivian president after a meeting held in La Paz with the elected president of Paraguay, Mario Abdo Benitez, to discuss bilateral issues and an "badessment of the process of integration" of the region.

Precisely this nation – with Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Chile and Colombia – had announced their withdrawal until the situation of the General Secretariat, vacant since February 2017, after the departure of Colombian Ernesto Samper.

But there are other cracks framed in the political dissent of the member countries with Bolivia, mainly with regard to Venezuela which is submerged in a crisis that is followed by other regional blocs with

Such is the scope of the schism, that the President of Colombia, Iván Duque, demanded a few days ago that he will rush to get his country out of the bloc because is a Venezuelan "sounding board" of the dictatorship. 19659002] The President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, announced that he will request the return of the headquarters of Unasur located in Quito because it is not used. He intends to make it a native university.

In the joint press release delivered Thursday by Morales and Benitez, the first badured that in the meeting "we agreed to strengthen" the block that is going through its worst crisis since its inception in 2008.

Benítez invited Morales at his inauguration on August 15 and he agreed. So, it seems to fix an obstacle, but the stages are much more complex.

"Personally I envy the integration of some continents like Europe, such as Africa, Asia and we must have the ability to advance this system." 39, integration, we have taken important steps He immediately stressed that "we will talk with our brothers presidents of South America, Latin America and the Caribbean to further strengthen these integration organizations in our region. "

It is known that the Bolivian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is making efforts at the highest level to bail out the bloc, although, to date, has not materialized" the meeting of foreign ministers, as a prelude to the meeting of presidents ", which announced Chancellor Fernando Huanacuni, in April. (07/12/2018)

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