More than 50 tribes are calling for an end to the illegal foreign presence in Syria


More than 50 Syrian tribes reaffirmed Saturday their support for the Syrian government and army and rejected any foreign military presence in the country.

At the meeting held in the governorate of Aleppo, north-west of Syria, leaders and leaders of 55 Arab and Kurdish tribes supported the anti-terrorist struggle led by the government of President Bashar al- Assad across the country for several years.

"The Arab and Kurdish tribes of Aleppo support the Syrian Arab Army (ASA) and President Bashar al-Assad in the face of Turkish aggression and its allies, including the United States. United and France, "reports Sunday the official Syrian news agency SANA .

Eminent Kurdish tribal figures, in turn, expressed their rejection of any attempt to fragment Syria and interfere in the country's internal affairs. In addition, some Syrian tribal leaders urged to strengthen national unity against foreign interference in the country's affairs, and called for the immediate withdrawal of troops from the United States, France and Turkey.

Arab and Kurdish tribes Aleppo supports the Syrian Arab Army (ASA) and President Bashar al-Assad in the face of Turkish aggression and its allies, including the United States and France " , reports the official Syrian news agency SAN A.

After the outbreak of the crisis in Syria, the United States, leading a coalition of their allies, began operations supposed to fight terrorist groups such as ISIS (Daesh, in Arab).

Syria has been repeatedly asked by the United Nations to put an end to the American presence. According to the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the purpose of the US military deployment is to support terrorists to prolong the crisis in this Arab country.

These American military operations. they were marked from the outset as "illegal" by Damascus as a "blatant violation" of Syrian sovereignty and international rights.

ftm / ctl / msf

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