NASA creates a model to analyze the risk of fires worldwide – NoticiasYa: What Matters


(NEWS YA) .- Researchers from the National Agency of Space Aerospace (NASA) announce that they have created a new model with which they can badyze various climatic factors contributing to the formation and spread of fires worldwide.

The Global Fire Climate Database known by its acronym GFWED, contains information from various weather indicators such as wind speed, temperature, and humidity.

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This is also the first model of fire prediction that includes satellite precipitation measurements.

Predicting the intensity of fires is also crucial because the smoke they emit can affect the quality of the air and increase the amount of greenhouse gases in l & # 39; atmosphere.

The model works on the basis of a compilation of information and revision of different indicators to create an evaluation that shows the probability and intensity of the indicators. a fire to reach a specific area.

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Robert Field, creator of GFWED and researcher in climatology at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, has said: "More than looking at the individual climatic components, we look at the full effect . Although NASA has revealed a series of animations explaining the model, the information for the moment will only be available to the scientific community or any amateur meteorologist with knowledge. basic databases.

Accessible information includes weather conditions over the years and information on real-time fires.

"Monitoring fire and smoke with the help of NASA's satellite information is the only way to get a consistent picture of fire activity and our weather information is helping us to understand the causes. "

It was particularly effective in Indonesia a country that tends to have a strong fire season during the El Niño phenomenon. With the help of the model, authorities can improve fire hazard maps and prepare a better response.

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