NASA discovers evidence of a new active volcano on Jupiter


NASA's Juno spacecraft detected an unusual heat source on Io, one of Jupiter's moons, which could have been a volcano until then unknown.

Mission scientists observed the location of the heat near the south pole of Jupiter's rock moon, in an image generated from data collected on December 16, 2017 by the instrument of Juno JIRAM, announced Saturday the National Administration of Aeronautics and Space. (NASA, by its acronym in English.)

According to the Agency, infrared data was collected when Juno was about 470,000 kilometers from Io, considered the celestial body with the most activity volcanic in our solar system. 19659003] "The new Io access point captured by JIRAM is located approximately 300 km from the nearest previously mapped access point.We do not exclude the movement or modification of. a hot spot previously discovered, but it's hard to imagine that one can walk that distance and still be considered the same characteristic, "said Alessandro Mura, co-investigator of the National Institute of Astrophysics in Rome. The Juno Mission

The new Io access point that JIRAM has collected is about 300 km from the nearest mapped access point previously mapped. We do not exclude the movement or modification of a hot spot previously discovered, but it is difficult to imagine that we can travel this distance and still be considered the same characteristic " said Alessandro Mura, co-investigator of the National Institute of Astrophysics in Rome, the Juno mission.

ftn / mla / mjs / rba

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