National Omnibus Offer in Las Tunas, additional capacity during the summer


Las Tunas.- The Empresa de Ómnibus Nacionales, in Las Tunas, daily places 88 additional capacities at the disposal of the population, from this province to Havana during the summer period, between 18 July and 3 September

Jesús Rodríguez Cruz, director of the entity, also announced that as of Monday, July 2, bookings are open at the usual hours of the national terminal.

In the case of the territory, the available capacity is equivalent to two other buses to the Cuban capital, with two departures, one at 10:00 am and the other at 5:00 am the following noon, as scheduled, He clarified that the new capabilities according to people are insured with fuel, but from there there will be more extra trips, only the waiting list will remain optional.

The sale of these quotas from Las Tunas to the highly visited western province and vice versa is a decision of the Ministry of Transport to contribute to better enjoyment of the summer.

However, the level of demand continues above supply, which compromises better control of the sale of bookings, to avoid unscrupulous people who want to take advantage of the needs of residents.

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