National Vanguard Society, Engineering and Architecture Projects, Number 11


CAMAGÜEY.- The 2016 National Quality Award and its contribution to the economic, social and tourist development of this province, confirm the State of the National Vanguard granted today to the Company of Engineering and Architecture Number 11 (EPIA 11)

The maximum emulative category conferred by the Central Trabajadores of Cuba (CTC), is a recognition to the collective of this entity for his outstanding work in 2017 , which in the same year was also worthy of the Provincial Environment Prize.

In the act of delivery, made in the Revolution Square Ignacio Agramonte and Loynaz, of this city, the high productivity of the design company was also emphasized, in the design of works for the sectors of housing. , Communal, Health, Education, Gastronomy and Roads.

His work, with the application of an integrated management system, takes a particular repercussion in tourism, by his sign ificativa participation in the hotel projects of Cayo Cruz, in the north of the province, of interest to the national economy.

Tania Díaz, secretary general of the CTC in the province, and Luis Olazábal, official of the Provincial Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba, they handed the flag that accredits the EPIA 11 as National Vanguard.

The stimulus takes into consideration the efforts of its engineers and architects in the actions undertaken in Camagüey after the pbadage of Hurricane Irma last September. ] With a focus on housing construction, the Camagüey entity has collaborated on many tasks such as the recovery of the Jaronú batey barracks, declared a national monument in 2009 and located in the municipality. Esmeralda, the territory most affected by the cyclone.

Similarly, he participated in the design of the new settlement of 50 petrojas at Nuevitas and in Sandino dwellings in this territory, as well as in other recovery tasks in Minas and the provincial capital.

In addition to the aforementioned recognition, EPIA 11 was awarded this 2018 with the three awards awarded each year by the Ministry of Construction, in the categories of Environment, Topography and Service Award for a project, and among his aspirations is the Ibero-American quality.

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