Natti Natasha and Daddy Yankee first song for the narco series


United States

The Reguetoneros Natti Natasha and Daddy Yankee make a double for the single " Buena Vida ", released Wednesday.

part of the second season of the novel narco of Univision " The Piloto ", the first of which is scheduled for this end of July United States .

In the video Natti y Yankee, who had already dubbed on issues such as Another thing appear in a hangar with long-distance planes and some snapshots of the new season of the series.

It also has the participation of the actress ] Livia Brito star of The Piloto .

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"Good life, I want to give a good life, even if I cost of living", a clear exaltation of drug trafficking is the chorus of the theme already bounces on streaming platforms like YouTube, where it already has more than 2 million views

It also reads: Mauricio Ochmann has a noble reason to leave "El Chema"

Narco novels, favorite productions of the Hispanic public, portray a distorted picture of the reality surrounding drug trafficking negatively affecting young people, something that worries other celebrities such as Mauricio Ochmann who decided to give up his leading role in El Chema of Telemundo because of the large number of children who approached him as production fans.

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