"New bilateral cessation must include humanitarian agreements" | ELESPECTADOR.COM


Pablo Beltrán, head of the ELN peace delegation, said that the conditions indicated by President Santos for the bilateral ceasefire have already been fulfilled and that this new cessation must include humanitarian agreements to stop the killings.

Pablo Beltrán, Head of the ELN Peace Dialogue Delegation Screenshot

The Leader of the Election Peace Dialogue of the Liberation Army National (ELN) Pablo Beltrán, announced in Havana that progress is underway in a new bilateral ceasefire with the national government. The member of the Central Command mentioned the "red dots" mentioned by the president Juan Manuel Santos and put his on the table.

Compared to the President of the Republic's weekend manifesto, when he mentioned the "red lines" to achieve a ceasefire with the ELN this guerrilla said in a statement Thursday that both conditions are already met.

Santos to sign the bilateral ceasefire with ELN

One of the conditions was that this armed group should stop the kidnappings, a point that according to Beltrán has already been accomplished previously. "In the previous termination, all the operations that the ELN has committed to suspend, have completed.In this new cessation that is being negotiated, we are talking about the resumption of operations, just like the last time, "said the head of the delegation for peace of this guerrilla.

Regarding the second point that the president pointed out, In which he pointed out that the guerrillas can restrict the access of military forces in any corner of the national territory, the guerrilla leader said that c 39 is something that ELN has respected. "The last time in any area was restricted access to the police and military forces of the state, this time is the same," said Beltrán.

In addition to referring to the conditions indicated by President Santos, The guerrillas put their own red line on the table

" We want in this cessation some humanitarian agreements be incorporated because we are very worried about the badbadination of leaders and this must have the action of state neutralization is much more effective, "Beltrán said in the statement [19659005] Read also: "We must not let the peace process close": Eln

Faced with the new government that will take over In August, and for many, this has meant some uncertainty, ELN reiterated his desire for peace

"Although this table reaches a point of change of government, we want it to have continuity and what we mean.The country can count on the ELN's willingness to continue to ch create a political solution to the conflict. "

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